Date men from United States / Arkansas / Oakland, 59 year old

Date someone special from Arkansas, United States. I am trying on line dating for the first time ladies so be gentle.
I am a good person to get to know because I am honest, loyal to a fault and while i like to have a lot of fun, I am looking for that special someone who not only is looking for a good time, but would like to meet someone to start the beginning of a long term friendship and more.

Meet a man from Arkansas, United States. When I was young, growing up and living life on the other side of the country, I remember the reprise of summer that came somewhere in the middle or end of October. We called it "Indian summer." We knew that it would not last forever; the "forever" that we thought summer was sure to last back in the third week of June right after the school year ended, and summer was new. But, if "Indian summer" struck especially on a Saturday, we knew that that Saturday was sure to last almost forever. And we lived that day as though the sun was almost sure never to set.
Now, as I approach the other end of my life, my "early autumn," I wonder if I might experience something like an "Indian summer" for that passion still very much alive deep inside and flowing through my spirit. Yet, I'm not so completely delusional. I realize that I'm not much of a "catch;" that is, if you're looking for wealth or status. I have neither, nor do they at all hold my interest. My world is one of books and ideas, and sometimes intense discourse on both. (And here I should be honest and clear: I guess I'm searching for a soul mate who will journey with me into that fascinating world of ideas and musings, someone who is ever curious, possessed of a critical mind, and whose imagination will capture mine, and mine hers.) My world is also one of "old school" music--jazz, classic RB, soul, rock and roll. I am politically radical (a lifelong socialist--no apologies or "buts"), not at all given to religion or belief in the supernatural; For me, the cosmos, in and of itself, is awe inspiring, full of wonder and a sense of the sacred, and the source of first principles. Religion, mythology (which usually means somebody else's religion) and ideas of the supernatural fascinate me in the context of the study of history and culture; as ways that nature, the heavens, the inner and outer human experience have been, and are, made sense of. But I'm not a believer in any form of religion, or anything of the occult (including astrology), and I don't respond positively to evangelization, or being "saved." In other ways I'm eccentric as well. The latest fashions of the day, or week, never managed to catch my imagination. But I can cook, I listen well, I'm a pretty good storyteller, my touch and my spirit are gentle, and, like a child, I can still wrap myself in the joy of a warm, sunny day. In these, my early autumn years, I continue to hold much passion. If I don't have to, I don't want to say goodbye to that passion, as I once did to my youth. I can't help but wonder if, somewhere in the world, in life, a woman is going about her daily existence in a world of books and ideas, or perhaps art and music, or, indeed, social activism, with similar temperament and politics, full of a passion that remembers youth, who, like me, believes that there is still time in early autumn for that passion yearning to once again to be released, to explode unrestrained and without shame. I dream of a woman with a gentle spirit and touch, a storyteller, one who still feels the warm sun in wonder, and can wrap herself in the moment. I dream of a woman who might find to her fancy a shy, aging academic--a "nerd" as the epithet goes--of radical politics and some eccentricity. If you are out there in the universe, in life, somewhere, so, too, am I.

Date single man from Arkansas, United States. *** High energy fun and funny guy, very well informed and curious. Seeking partner to see more of the world, people watch and share my love for high quality film.
Hello and thanks for reading my profile. As someone else has said, I am looking for my last first date with a strong, independent, attractive woman who is financially secure and very curious about the world.
What I have been doing for fun, is not everything that I like to do, simply because I have not been dating much. So I read a lot, run 3-4 times a week as I have for over 30 years and travel when I can. My last two trips were to India and China. It was fascinating to compare/contrast the two since one will probably dominate the planet in 50 years.
But with my partner for the next 40 years I would enjoy urban and ex-urban hiking, movies, fun classes, foreign travel, hitting our favorite ethnic restaurants, going to rock concerts, etc. Just no walks on the beach or Sunday NYT in bed. (Kidding)
More about you: You have your own interests and those that we share. I am not a sports couch potato, except maybe for pro basketball. Hopefully, you’d tolerate that! You’re drama free and strive to say what you mean and mean what you say. You value exercise. You reciprocate my total fealty to you even though we do not live “joined at the hip.” I don’t mean this literally, but you’d probably be more of an artist than a scientist, since I am an atypical accountant whose tastes in humor, media and view of the world sort of gravitate to the edges. Highly intelligent members of the lunatic fringe are encouraged to reply?!
I plan to retire in 5-10 years and move to a less populous area, preferably near the ocean. The goal is to maintain a small place in the Bay Area as well. For now I am a happy camper who works at a job in Berkeley in a casual environment that I enjoy. It would be great to meet a like-minded woman here on Match who has a similar timetable and plan.
I would consider living outside the U.S and fully immersing ourselves in a foreign culture, but that is not a priority.
The picture is from 2011. I trust yours are current, too. Good luck in your search.

Meet a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. You HAD me at "Get lost!"
I am warm, kind, funny, considerate, creative, intelligent, musical, affectionate, talented,
from a large family, healthy, physically active and like nothing more than making you laugh!
You are beautiful, kind, fun, easy going, intelligent, independent and ready to be loved!
I been fortunate to do what I love all of my life.
I'd like to thank iPhoto, the writers, my stylist, the key grip guy, my publicist, the deli cat but most of
all, "you", the wonderful women of that have been my inspiration these last 10 minutes!

Date someone special from United States. Looking for a partner. I'm open to a LTR but that's going to take really knowing each other and a whole lotta trust. I'm thinking that means spending time as friends first. Anything good takes time, effort and...... finally commitment, Right???
I'm easy and laid back, my goal at this stage of life is to have fun, Fun, FUN! And to find someone to share it all with. I can find fun at home in the garden or workshop, cooking out with friends or working on a home project with you. Away from home I love riding my Harley on wine tasting tours, going on crusies, or sometimes after a hard week of working or cruzin', just vegging out.
I've been attending the School of Hard Knocks for a long, long time but the kids are grown and on their own and I settled with my Ex (I got screwed) but I'm not bitter. It's over and time to move on so the baggage is on the side of my Harley.... let's go! I have some bad habits which I'm trying to change. Started to smoke when I was 6 years old and I'm trying(going) to quit... smoking less than a pack a day now and going to the gym. I can still run a mile in four and one half minutes though and determined to break a four minute record. Cutting back on the beer too to less than a case a week and trying to eat healthy (quit buying spam and bacon). Thats all the bad habits I have... can you cheer me and encourage me to end this?
I'm a man that will stick with you in good times and bad.

Meet a man from United States. I am smart, funny, easygoing, creative, and loyal. I have been a skilled craftsman, have managed a high end cabinet shop, and currently I am a self-taught IT person for a local builder. Art and music have always been central to my life, and now that my kids are a little older, I am trying to use my free time to return to my love of photography, and to renew my ongoing efforts to play music.
I am looking for someone who is warm, affectionate, smart, creative and who holds humor in the highest regard (or at least regularly laughs at my jokes).

Date single man from United States. I'm that kind of person that will jumps through hoops for you and other people,that fire fighters mentality I love surfing , hiking,biking,cooking some things ,I'm not french trained, but can put a sauce together, Also love lying around watching
Movies on those cold winter days, shopping,sunsets . Hanging with friends , it would be fun to do these things with a friend, I
Have treaveled some parts of the world, Mexico, Asia, Eroupe,not much in the US but want to get a big I'm mobile home travel what a kick, Having to type all this information can get pretty tough, I'm looking for that women that i can share that those moments of warmth together those up and downs, I think you know what i mean, I'm not your knight in shinning amour so if thats who your looking hit next, i'm really just down to earth kinda guy no fancy cars home but love life and every thing about it,You just never know, So good luck every body :)))))

Meet a soulmate from United States. I am smart, funny, athletic, spiritual, kind, honest, international and think outside the box. . I cant stand lies, manipulation and strife. Looking for calm and centered woman who has an aesthetic towards beauty and the spirit. I love being outside and growing in and through an honest relationship.

Date someone special from Oakland, United States. My goal in life is, be happy and make others happy as well. After 59 yrs. god did not put us on earth to live separately, he put us here to share experiences good and bad. I never thought that I would be open enough that I could fathom the thought sharing my inner thoughts on happiness.

Meet a man from Oakland, United States. I am an African American college educated male living in the Bay Area in Northern California. I am Nupe, that is a member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity. I am an educator who is still on the quest of learning. I would like to meet a strong, smart, socially aware WOMAN who through her love of self has the ability to share that love confidently. I am now working on my Masters Degree in Public Administration and would like a person who can go the a concert, a club occasionally to dance (yes i still like to dance"), go to a football game, and share my goals as I will her's.
ADDENDUM: I had a medical problem and had to leave the Masters in Public Administration program. I have since enrolled as a student in a Masters in Business Administration program. This is the opposite of what i did as an undergraduate where I left the Business Administration program after having to leave college because of a knee operation and came back and graduated with a degree in Political Science. Life can be funny that way.

Date single man from Oakland, United States. I love music and the arts, culture in general
The natural world is a touchstone for me
I'm looking for someone who embodies
humor, compassion, touch, and sensuality
Someone who is really IN their body, but is also intelligent, intellectual and curious
Loves to dance, play, walk, massage