Date men from United States / Arkansas / El Dorado, 59 year old

Date a man from El Dorado, United States. looking for a loving caring woman that wants to go out to eat or a movie to hopefully except my heart that big and want a loyal and honest man give her all my love in return she does the same for me like to fish and hunt

Meet single man from El Dorado, United States. I am an intelligent thoughtful person who is also prone to silliness and spontaneity at various times. I am quite reliable but can be unpredictable sometimes although not in a bad way. I'd say loyalty is a strong suit of mine and fidelity as well as integrity. I will do what I say and I'll be honest and strightforward with you as long as you can handle the truth. If you can;t, I may not be the guy. However, I am kind and kindhearted...don't want to hurt you or make life difficult. I am told I am easy to be with and pretty low maintenenace.
I don't mind someone who has some maintenance needs but let's not overdo it OK. I want her to be independent minded and able to be self-sufficient. Not need me but want me. Not to complete you but to share our completeness. Undestand that parenting must come first cause my lids aren't launched yet, mayber yours aren't either. That's even better. Let's be romantic yet practical. Let's find that special place we share yet maintain some independence of spirit.
I have enjpoyed being single but am at a place of wanting to share my life with that special person. We will know if we are that to one another pretty quickly. In the meantime enjoyable companionship would be a great place to start. Development of a friendship would be a prerequisite to long-term involvement.
I am an intelligent, spontaneous hopeless romantic. I still beleive in love and committment and hope to find another that really shares this vision. If you lean in this direction as well, give me a shout. Friendship, lots of dialogue and humor are important and the ability to work on and thorugh the challenges which always seem to crop up.

Date someone special from El Dorado, United States. fairly tall slim,needs to get my theeth fixed but i am honest and dont like drama from me or her,wont lie if it hurts someones feelings,but put gently any thing can be said honestly.i am kind of jealous if i truly love what i have i dont think no one can stand a smilling in every man or womans face all the time,but thats me.if u belive that god has a thing ti do with yuor life is not realistic.i am sick and tired of women that is waiting on god to deliver a man is crazy just be who u r the rest will take care of its it alright to belive that there is a higher power that we dont understand,but u make or break yourself,by your self with all the purpose that u can and acheive the things that is ordained for you.long as u have faith,when u love a man do u think about god then or the orgasamu figure it out and then tell me who u