Date men from United States / Arizona / Surprise, 61 year old

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I am a kind, gentle, easy going sort of person, generally try to look on the bright side, prefer to spend time with persons of a more positive outlook also, it's more fun to laugh than to hate or feel anger, I hope to meet a lady I can relax and really feel like I can just be myself with, it's hard to explain how this happens, but I can tell and can feel it inside myself if I meet the right person, it's a visceral message when it happens and I hope it will happen when I meet a special lady on this site here, well.... please send a message if you would like to meet,

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. Hi. My name`s Don.
Thank`s for stopping by
What`s important to me?.... I`m a family man with family man kind of value`s. When we get together, there`s lot`s of fun, food, and drink. We are each other`s best friend`s, and love each other very much!
I was married to one woman all of my life an have been divorced 10yrs. For me, two people going through life, holding hand`s, looking out for each other, is the way it should be. My brother-in-law once told my kid`s that their dad was "honest to a fault". I`m proud of that. I really enjoy mother nature`s work. I find beauty in everything she does. I keep a tidy house. I live by the golden rule. Believe in Karma. I`m light hearted, playful, and very easy going. I try to leave the people I interact with a smile on there face`s.
My house is mostly paid for, My son`s and their family`s are doing fine, and I really have no worries. Seem`s I`m always in a good mood.
I enjoy designing and building thing`s. My greatest achievement, was to design a 2 story home for my family. Turned out great! I`m also very handy around the house.
Physical fitness is important to me. It seem`s that when I`m not exercising, I feel a little off. For me, my physical and mental well being go "hand and hand".
What kind of man are you looking for? A nice guy to have fun with? Maybe you should aim higher! That "special" guy? He`s the one that does the little thing`s for you that you may, or may not even notice. The thing`s that tell you he genuinely care`s about your comfort and well being. You can`t read that on a profile. You won`t see that on a first date. To learn how he`ll take care of you, and watch out for you. You need to spend time with him. It will take time to learn if he`s the one who`ll make you a happy, contented woman the rest of your life. Have you got the time to do it right?
I`m not looking for a "fling". The woman I`m looking for should have similar value`s as mine. Make me want to bring you flower`s for no reason at all, just because your you. Happy to get PDA`s. Fun to be with [preferably ticklish!]. Enjoy`s being outside doing almost anything. Laying in bed on a Sunday morning reading the paper. Need`s some "together time", even if it`s only watching a movie on tv. Enjoy stimulating conversation about situation`s of the world. Did I mention, fun to be with? If your with the right person, pretty much anything you do can be fun.
Do you enjoy feeling the sun on your skin?
Impromptue road trip`s?
Exercising outside?
In a perfect world, I`ll find a woman to spend the rest of my life with. Is that still possible?
Most importantly, you should be full of sunshine and goodness as I am!
Live in the moment..... Yet plan for the future
Thank`s for your time.
All my photo`s are last year.
FYI... Match want`s me to be 61yrs old. I can`t change it. My actual age is 65.