Date men from United States / Arizona / Surprise, 43 year old

Date someone special from Surprise, United States. I'm not here to waste anyones time with games and immature antics. I'm not a LIAR nor am I a CHEATER!!! I'M A 1 WOMAN MAN. I'm a single dad to a 14 year old girl who keeps me in line. I know her purpose in my life, and who knows all the trouble I'd be in without her. LOL... I am a fun person and love to do just about anything, I am unique yet grounded. If you want to know more you'll just have to meet me cause it will take a lifetime to figure me out.I think physical attraction is important, but there also has to be good inside!!!
So far the woman that I've met say that I am cute, sexy, in good physical shape, respectful, honest, sensitive and fun to be with. But everyones opinion varies so you'll just have to meet me and form your own opinion...
I'm looking for someone in average to decent physical shape. (not into big woman, sorry, not trying to be cruel but always been with woman in decent physical shape) She's 5' - 5'8.
I'm looking for someone who only has eyes for me
Someone who loves me without fear,Trusts me without restriction, Wants me without demand, and Accepts me for who I am !!!!
You laugh easily, forgive quickly, loves passionately, and sees the good before the bad!!!
I'm not looking for someone to complete me, but someone who accepts me completely!!!
If I viewed your profile and did not message you, doesn't mean I'm not interested. Take the initiative and start a conversation !!!!!!!

Meet single man from Surprise, United States. I am a real good person inside and out. When I meet that one, I will know it instantly. I work out 6 days a week. I am positive and very spontaneous.I
I am looking for a good person inside and out. Someone who I can communicate with and her with me!!!! Someone who is compassionate and sensitive, but strong!!! Someone who also takes care of her body and mind. Positive is also good and attraction is always important.( I won't find that out until after our first meeting.) Someone who has some of the same interests I do and different interests also.
I'm not into big woman, never have. I just don't want to waste anyone's time. Someone who takes care of her body in decent physical shape. I'm not looking for perfection. A womans perspective on anything is PRICELESS!!
YOU CAN BE STRUCK BY LIGHTNING WHEN YOU LEAST EXPECT IT, BUT YOU HAVE TO BE WILLING TO TAKE THAT RISK!!!!!!!!!!!!! To make a connection you have to actually respond to winks and e-mails in a positive way. You won't make any connections without actually meeting the person. Always be positive and have a positive outlook with anyone who contacts you. I've met some positive and really good people on here, but have yet to make that connection we all are seeking... Send me an email and take a chance!!

Date a man from Surprise, United States. I know what I am looking for, is it you? I am very happy with my life right now, everything is going great, I love my job, and my family and friends, I am just missing one key element to complete my life.
I have been divorced for 3 years and have decided its time to start dating again, I am kinda old fashion and I gave a 100% to my marriage, and thought I would only get married once. I am a simple man(meaning no drama, and easy going) I have a great sense of humor(Where would we be without humor), most people find me very funny. I definitely know how to treat a lady. My friends tell me, I’m living the dream.
I would love to travel more, I have been to several different countries and would like to explore more. I love the outdoors as well as relaxing inside for a movie or dinning. I am into photography as a hobby, But have a kind of bad boy side to me(Dirt Bikes, Fast Cars) It is very important to share the finer things in life together. I am kinda of quiet when people first meet me, I guess It takes me a bit to warm up to people, but its worth the payoff, I don't have 100’s of friends but the ones I do are seems to be forever. My Family and Friends mean everything to me. I think Life is too short ,so I try to make every day count.
Thanks for taking the time to read my profile.
My motto is live life like your dying, “you would be surprise what you do”
Instead of having a bucket list……., I have a “to do list……….” ?

Meet a soulmate from Surprise, United States. I hate having to write these things. Let's see... I'm a drummer who loves dogs (have three of them). I work. I hate work. I'm originally from Texas. Hate Texas. I have a very good sense of humor and love to laugh. I like Sci-fi, but not a total nerd. I'm spiritual but not really religious. When I grow up I want to be that actor who played Thor. I Like to cycle. I'm not into video games. Sports are something ones does, not something one watches. I love to cook. Favorite cuisines would be Mexican or Chinese. Like plants (I grow peppers cuz I like my food hot). I went to college so I'm suppossedly edjumacated. I just mispelled "supposedly". I could go back and fix it, but that would involve me having to do something. I'm follically challenged and proud of it (so take that!). I like to write and hope to publish a book someday. I could go on but I'm beginning to bore myself.
What I'm looking for: May sound cliche, but won't know until I find it. So in the interim: a woman with a good sense of humor. A woman without baggage, emotional or otherwise, would be preferrable. A woman who likes to go out and do things but is just as comfortable staying home and watching movies and chillin' Can't believe I just said "chillin'". A woman who is employed would be nice ;P A woman who is smart and can talk about a myriad of subjects and is actually aware of what is going on in the world. Sex... yes, sex would be awesome. A woman who is not already in a relationship with her smart phone. Yes, I'm a guy, so being attractive is benefecial (at least I'm honest). A woman who is caring, supportive yet independent, good hearted, playful, and a little twisted towards the dark side.
What I am not looking for: Those whose profiles say: "Looking for a man who makes over 100k per year". Uhm yeah, good luck with that gold digger. Crazy women. Drama queens. Liars. Anyone in Scottsdale. Anyone that is co-dependent. Anyone that is controlling or manipulative. Anyone who can't laugh at themselves.
I could go on, but I will digress. I may update or change things later. Basically, I'm looking to meet people and have a good time and with no allusions or expectations. What will be will be and I'll go on from there.