Date men from United States / Arizona / Wittmann, 61 year old

Date a man from Arizona, United States. After a long haul thru life accomplishing three careers and retired from all three,firefighter,airforce civil and u.s. army.I now look forward to spending time with someone who if interested could step into my life to share both past, present and future events.I'am looking for someone to devote alot of time with but not smother,to build a close bond with,a friendship, that one special person to share everything with,when i'am with her there is no one else,i want her to know if she wants me to listen i will say nothing,when she wants an opinion i'all give it,but not be crual but honest,or if she needs a shoulder to cry on she has two,i'am looking for a sole mate,i want to earn her trust and to show respect and i will be there if she needs me. I am on my second half of my life and there is no room or time for games,i want to be happy again and i want who ever is there with me to be happy as well.Are you out there.