Date men from United States / Arizona / Surprise, 41 year old

Date single man from Surprise, United States. I am laid back, caring, focused, and sometimes a over thinker. I always try to treat people the way I would like to be treated. I am willing to put may all into my relationships, but I expect the same in return. I am into to football, racing, camping, hunting, and vacationing. I am looking for, happy,deep, caring and open hearted lady to brighten my days! I am looking for a woman that is not afraid to open her self up and put it all out on the line. Some one who is commited to lifting me up and instead of how she can change into what she wants. If the path is right for both of us to be together we will work together to inspire each other to be the best we can be!

Meet a soulmate from Surprise, United States. You can't take life too seriously! I am an easy going, energetic guy that loves to have fun! Now by fun I mean laughing, smiling, telling jokes, making fun of ourselves and of others! I hate drama, cigarettes, drugs and alcohol. If you're a drunk, smoker or druggie, move on to someone else!
I am a simple guy with simple needs. I love fun and being spontaneous. I love not knowing what you are going to do next, within reason, of course! I am playful, love to cuddle, to snuggle and of course I'm a guy so I love sex, but prefer to "make love" and not just have sex. Going out to eat or see a movie is great, but cuddling up on a couch is great too.
I am reasonably intelligent and I want you to be also! I can't relate to quiet people who don't like to talk and make conversation. I want to be able to carry on a reasonable conversation with someone. I never ask for much, just for love, respect, honesty and communication. I am outspoken and I speak my mind. I don't agree just to be easy, I'll tell you how I feel no matter what!
Still interested?

Date someone special from Surprise, United States. i'm a semi-normal person looking to meet a semi-normal lady to date and see what develops. it would be nice to have a relationship, but there is a big difference between want and need. i'm not the dependent type, don't require someone to "complete" me, or be my "other half", I am whole, but companionship is nice. i've been divorced a long time, absolutely no emotional, personal, or legal connections, and more than used to being on my own. i would like to spend time with a special someone, but no pre-determined relationship goals or hidden agendas. i have a very simple view on dating, you meet, get to know each other, and a relationship might develop if you actually like each other, cant force it. if not, you move on.
i don't really have a mentally pre-fabricated "type", find many ladies attractive, its the looks and personality combo, the whole package, that makes someone right for me. and you might miss out on someone awesome if you limit your possibilities too much. intelligence and sense of humor are important. however, like anyone else, i am guilty of wanting to be with someone who I feel attracted to, i'm human afterall. i'm not perfect, don't expect perfect, we're around 40 after all, but do expect a reasonable level of shape and fitness.
please...if youre still hung up on your ex, bitter, angry, man-hating, or some other way jaded or emotionally damaged, please don't contact me. i don't have time for it, don't deserve it, won't put up with it, and have no intentions of making restitutions for the sins of some other guy. sad that i have to say it, but seems to be an abundance of these types online, or maybe I just attract them...
well, if you'd like to know more, please feel free to say hello...

Meet a man from Surprise, United States. I am a hard working guy that is caring and kind. I like to go out for rides on my motorcycle, dinner, movies, finding new things to do and weekends away. I am looking for someone with the same likes. Also someone that takes care of them self and wants to have fun at the same time. I am new to this site and thought I never would, but what is life without taking a chance once in a while. I like going out to dinner about once a week I find it is a good way to relax after work. Finding someone to spend time with, talk and do some of the better things in life is what I am looking for. If this is you that's great but don't bother if you are looking for a one night, I am not that guy.
I would like someone to share my life with in the best way of laughing, traveling and all around fun, through the up's and downs that life gives everyone. I am very open to new ideas for things to do and do not go for one sided relationships I think 50/50 works best.
I also enjoy just watching a movie at home with the one I care for and conversation to end a work day. I am a pretty good cook but everyone has there bad days in the kitchen, so that's when it's time to go out. I have close friends that I care for and there kids like family and always will, this is part of who I am I take care of the ones that are close to me. If you where to ask my friends they would openly tell you I am who I say. I like Arizona and don't plan to move again I do rent my house and have a roommate that will be moving out soon. So I will be looking for another, but if not I will say where I am anyway Surprise is a great place to live with most things pretty close. Well thanks for taking a look -Geoff

Date single man from Arizona, United States. I'm a great people person who is looking for someone who can match up with me. I'm a sales service represenative so I'm a very out going person. The woman im looking for has to have strong family values and a great since of humor. Im big on communication so that is a must.

Meet a soulmate from Arizona, United States. Face. Read the first word and last word! Find me their! Figure it out! I have joint custody of my 13yr old daughter and my 11 old son. I work alot and on my day's off I have my kid's. Yes, I don't have much time for a personal time but that is changing for the right person. My kid's are now old enough to stay alone for awhile. Now, I guess it's my time to take my life off from hold. I do not subscribe right now. Unfortunatly, I can not read your e-mail's. I've read a quite a few profile's here and all you beutiful Women have one thing in common is that you liar's and dishonesty. Did you all meet the same guy? Why, wouldn't I be nothing but honest?! Again, I have no way of reading e-mail's. I'm just trying this out to see how these sight's work. Thanks James, profile picture is the same in Surprise. Book. Please read this carefully!! I have no way of getting back to you. I just can not see paying for this. I can't do VIP e-mail either! Cow tipping is my favorite sport back east! Lol! In surprise!

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. I am 6 foot tall 175lbs athletic and toned. A divorced father of two great boys. I enjoy the outdoors, from the beach to a romantic walk in the park. I am extremely honest and loyal and need the same from a partner/friend. I like dining out and preparing great meals at home. I enjoy all types of sports both playing and watching. I work out 5 days a week and is something I really enjoy. I am looking for a down-to-earth woman who has an appreciation for the simple things, like watching a movie on a Saturday night. Someone who can appreciate a beautiful sunset of which there are many here in Arizona. If this sounds like it interests you drop me a line, I would love to hear from you.

Meet a man from Arizona, United States. I'm a divorced man who has been in a few relations since my divorce. I am looking for a partner in life. Not just an alliance, but a true friend. A smart, funny and loving woman who is cut from the same cloth. I'm not in any hurry, just looking for a quality person to spend quality time with.

Date single man from United States. Don't be afraid to go where you've never gone and do what you've never done, both are necessary to have what you've never had and be who you've never been.
Well they say that in your search leave no stone unturned... I seriously hope my match is under a rock somewhere!!
I must say, after reading some your profiles, there must be some real DBs on here! Must be sort of like looking for diamonds in a pile of broken glass! I feel like the guy in prison that says he's innocent...and actually IS!!! lol
Great Guy, Lookin For A Great Gal! Not lookin for a one night stand! No games,No drama, blah,blah,blah! I'm upfront and honest in what I do and what I say. I'm not into deception or acting like someone that I'm not. I just am who I am and will never ask anyone to be anything other than their true self. I dont think it really matters what I type in this section, for all anyone knows Im just telling you what I think you want to hear just to get a response. I will say this....Im not crazy. Does that help? Well crap, I cant really say that either! I was told crazy people are the first to say that theyre not crazy! Oh and just because you say you love football... does that mean I have to say I love shopping and a good romance novel?? :)
Oh and in case you are wondering... I can be serious, although its not nearly as much fun! I will type more juicy personal stuff later due to the fact I have a terrible cramp right at the very tip of my index finger! If there is something pressing that you would like to know just ask.
Oh and Im not 5'10",(seems to be a very popular height) I dont have a masters, bachelors or PhD, I cant bench press 400lbs and I dont wear size 14 shoes!lol. But if you drop me off on a deserted island with pocket knife and a Q-tip I could probably build you a shopping mall! You can also find me on that cupidsite.
Seriously though, Im just a down to earth, normal guy who is looking for his love of a life time.
How many skaters does it take to screw in a light bulb? Two! But I have no idea how they got in there!
My subscription has ended so I cannot reply to messages at this time.
Good luck ladies!

Meet a soulmate from United States. I'm a simple jeans and tee shirt kinda guy, very laid back and down to earth. I keep my life simple and drama free and would like a woman who is the same. I'm a bit sarcastic but in fun way. I'm always up for something new and love adventure. I'm big on honesty and taught me well but NOT a mama's boy. I have always been independent and can take care of myself. Hard working and love my job. I am a single parent to my beautiful 18yr old daughter who is the world to me,she keeps me busy and drives me insane lol. I'm attracted to women that are strong and have goals, ones that are NOT high maintenance or materialistic. I believe your partner in life should be your best friend, someone you actually enjoy being around and doing things with. Someone you can trust and count on. Honesty and communication is important to me...I believe its what makes a relationship last. Thanks for stopping by....hope to hear from you;)
*****P.S I prefer to date someone that lives on the westside of town******

Date someone special from United States. A little about me, I am looking for a friend, someone to enjoy life with.. I am a loving, romantic guy, with so much to offer, who wont cheat on you, treat you badly or intentionally make you cry. I only wants to share my life with that special someone.. Is that you? If so say hello, you wont regret it, I promise..

Meet a man from United States. well lets see, I am 38 years old and am very active, I eat healthy and excersise often wheather its on the dirtbike, mountain bike or just horsin around, staying healthy is very important to me, I have a 6 year old son and he is my world, so I want to be around for him for a long long time.. I enjoy dinner, movies, wine. I am a bit of an adrenalyne junky so I go to the dunes often. I enjoy skiing, water and snow. my motorcycles are my saving grace, a nice ride on the streetbike or a few laps around the track on the dirt bike are just what the Doctor ordered... I am not a player or a one night stand guy. I am of my word ! I feel honor and integraty are the most important characteristics one can have. ok so lets see... what else ? um.. I like adventure and spontineaity. I am happy doing most anything but also like to lay on the couch and watch a movie with a glass of wine or just hang out around the house, I love the ocean though I dont visit it much. I try to stay busy with many hobbies, custom painting, remodeling my houses, building hotrods and whatever else comes up. I hang out with my family from time to time too... I enjoy happy hour and visiting with friends. meeting people is fun too. Im a bit of a flirt ( i get it from my mom) ut meen no harm, I am whitty and comical when I get comfortible in a croud though I am shy and appear serious at first. well I guess thats it for now, enjoy your search !