Date men from United States / Arizona / Surprise, 30 year old

Date a man from Arizona, United States. These are always fun... Talk about myself and what makes me unique... I like to think I'm a pretty decent guy. I enjoy life and try my best to live it to the fullest. I like just about anything that has to do with the outdoors especially if it will get my adrenaline going at full throttle like skydiving! I'm a pretty active person and spending too much time at home is not my idea of goodtime. I'm pretty positive person so if you spend most of your time complaining about life I'm probably not the guy for you. Still got your attention? If so feel free to say hi!

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. I'm a pretty relaxed person. Set realistic goals and hold standards in everything I do. I believe people should have values, morals, know your priorities and most of all respect.
If someone else were to describe me, they would probably tell you I'm a nerd for my interest in sci-fi an video games. But who knows...Not a whole lot of complexity here.

Date single man from Arizona, United States. I am a sarcastic midwestern guy that loves the outdoors. I am successful (well educated/excellent career at a fortune 1000 company/own house/etc.) and humble at the same time...It would be nice to meet someone who is mature, honest, and has their life on track. I enjoy country music and like to spend my free time mountain biking, hiking, camping, , riding quads, going to the dunes, drinking a cold around a campfire, and exploring what Arizona and the surrounding places have to offer. I'm over the bar scene and don't mind low key nights on the couch or doing other things with friends like board games, cards, etc.
If you like no pressure and sarcastic fun times doing active things outdoors, send me a message...Friends first, not opposed to more, that would be an added bonus if things worked out :) Please no games, drama, etc. Respectfully, if you have children or smoke, I am not interested in more than your friendship. If you do drugs or don't abide by the law, please do not contact me. Please be honest as I will be nothing but honest with you.