Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. My name is Tanner, born and raised in New Franken, WI. I lived on a ten acre farm with horses, dogs,cats, and random animals here and there. I love the simple country life.
I have a very caring nature and like to show i feel. Im not a usual guy. i wanna be with somebody to share a lifetime of memories with.
My lifestyle is very active and adventurous. I love to play any sport or game u can throw at me. I lovevto see and travel to different places and expierence anything with a speed rush, like sky diving i have to do that.
Motocross has always been my way getting that adrenaline rush. My dad and i would camp and race every weekend for 6months since i was 12. Ever since the i wanted to have motorcycles in my life. I recently moved to Arizona to fulfill a dream of motocross by attending MMI. Im very driven and want to fo so much with my life.
Now i just need to find the woman to see it all with me.