Date men from United States / Arizona / Lake Havasu City, 61 year old

Date someone special from Lake Havasu City, United States. Greetings girls! July 2012... I sold my home here in Havasu and I'm looking for property in the Phoenix area. I'm a retired police officer who's searching for a companion who enjoys similiar interests. Fitness is a big part of my life. The gym is my second home and I take daily street hikes...even in the heat. I am a firm believer in a healthy moderate life style. Fitness has been a lifelong commitment and I believe my mate should feel the same. I will admit however, that I am a sucker for home made chocolate chip cookies! My perfect match is not as complicated as you think...I just want you! The first step is friendship. I'll visit your home and world and you visit mine. We all have life experiences of likes and dislikes that have shaped us into what we are today. Bring all of that with you as we blend our minds, hearts and treasures together. With those building blocks, we will create a life and form an unbeatable team that will carry us into our golden years. Let's get started!
BTW...there is certainly no hard feelings if my profile is not of interest to you. Likewise, the same should hold true. Internet dating appears to be a huge challenge. We're all looking for the same thing...we want to find that special person who we can CELEBRATE the rest of our lives with. Best of luck to you with your search!

Meet single man from Lake Havasu City, United States. Love the outdoors, not fond of being too cold though. Love exploring new places, things and people. Lots of Passion and compassion. Reciprical treatment of affection in all aspects. Am comfortable telling jokes at a Truck Stop as well as debating at a Black Tie Affair. Like Al Pacino I love the Scent of a Woman as well as her form. I find women a work of art and forgive me if I stare but it is mainly in appreciation rather than for lust. Women want to look their best, so they shouldn't be offended if they attract attention Right? Full of suprises with the right person. I know I'm going to catch flack for this but I am fond of Busty Women. Not essential but fond. Have dated the full spectrum so I'm not a swine. Sense of Humor is a big plus. OK enough for now the rest comes later.