Date women from United States / Arizona / Phoenix, 30 year old - page 10

Date someone special from Phoenix, United States. I moved to Arizona from Chicago about 4.5 years ago. I enjoy hanging out with friends on the weekends and going out to dinner or for some cocktails, but I'm over the club scene and have been for a while now.
I like to workout and stay active. I enjoy playing tennis and golf, a ski trip once in a while and I like to hike. I wish I knew more people who liked to do these things because I don't get to do them as often as I'd like.
I'm looking for someone who shares some similar interests. I'm looking for someone who likes to go out and have a good time, but is fine staying home too. Communication is important and being independent and having your 'stuff' together is important too.
I'm looking to meet new people and go from there!

Meet a soulmate from Phoenix, United States. I am an outgoing person who loves to have fun and explore places, food, and other things. I also have a side that loves to stay home, curl up on the sofa read a good book, listen to music, or watch a movie. I want someone who is not exactly the same as me but shares some similar interests. I am definitely not a high matienance girl.

Date a woman from Phoenix, United States. My guy friends call me sporty because I am up for pretty much anything. I'm usually easy going and amicable, I really just want to have fun and enjoy life. Looking for someone who wants to be happy, go on adventures (even just adventures in the back yard) and have a best friend in their partner.
I'm sarcastic and like to make people laugh, usually it is at my expense, which is just fine with me. Clearly from the picture I chose, I don't have a problem being silly. I'd prefer to get to know someone over drinks, lunch or a hike rather than giving you my whole life story in a profile - I enjoy the process of getting to know someone and hearing about them in person rather than over email, call me old fashioned!
I work hard and value my free time, it would be fun to share it with someone. Disclaimer - I am a history nerd, so I do have the desire to explore some weird stuff all around the world.

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. Hey there! I'm from East Boston, Massachusetts been in Arizona for about a year. I have been to fenway many times and love my Red Sox, Pats and even the Bruins! I'm going to make this short and sweet because who wants to read 8 paragraphs about my likes and dislikes? I guess let's start with Hi and see where it goes!

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I am a girl who is looking for love. I want someone who I can laugh and have some of the best times with. I have a lot to offer in a relationship and would love to find someone to share memories with. I have a lot of fun in life. I love sports, music, being active, etc. I am not looking for someone who is into playing games. Your either into me or not!

Meet a woman from Arizona, United States. I enjoy having a lot of fun, chilling and just living my life. I love trying and doing new things all the time. I love being around the people I love and I have some pretty big goals in life. I like being on the move all of the time, and helping people and things.

Date someone special from United States. Howzit there gents? I'm a single mom of 2 little girls who are my water and air. They always come first. Their dad and I are good friends and do whatever it takes to make sure the girls have what is best for them. I was married for four years and divorced in 2007. I truly appreciate honesty, genuinity, laughter, fun, and faith.
I'm not looking for just a potential partner- even though that would be nice- but more importantly friendship. With my girls, it's important for things to progress slowly and independently of them, at least at first. So if you are in a hurry, I'm not for you. I am an amazing girl (I'd totally date me) I am a libra and as such fall into the typical libra mind set of balance, honesty, justice, fairness, and beauty. I love people and wish more of them would use the brain God gave them. I admire those that speak the truth even when it may be uncomfortable or sting a little. I'm looking for a man (not a little boy) who is independent, determined, chivalrous, honorable, fair, hilarious and sarcastic, healthy, driven, grounded, loving, honest, active, intelligent, cultured, faithful, spiritual, balanced, and it doesn't hurt if he looks good too. ;) I have the time, patience, and worth to be picky about who I chose for my partner and add an abundance of love and ...other things... To the life he is already content with.

Meet a soulmate from United States. I have great passion for all I do in life -- from family to friends to work. I put a great deal of energy into everything I commit to, and am looking for someone with the same drive and dedication that I have. I would like someone with whom I can share everything; someone that is there for me and someone I can be there for, too.!

Date a woman from United States. I am a Montana girl! I like to have fun and I like to be on the go. I spend most of my time outdoors, but I also enjoy spending nights in just watching a movie (usually comedies), and cooking good food. I like to bake and I absolutely love dessert!!I also love listening to music. I am a country fan, being from Montana and all. But, I love almost everything from oldies to old school rap to blues. Not a fan of bluegrass or techno. The bango makes me cringe and techno seems to give me a headache. I don't really enjoy the bar scene all that much. Don't get me wrong though, I do enjoy getting all dressed up sometimes for a night on the town. I am fortunate to have a great family and friends. My family means alot to me, and I enjoy spending time with all of them. I love Arizona so far. I worked hard through Grad school to get a great job in Phoenix, which is what brought me here. I am a motivated person, in both my career and personal life.
I am looking for someone that can be as energetic as me, but someone that is also down to earth. I would love to meet someone that shares my same passion for the outdoors and motivation. I like to live and I guess am looking for a nice guy that isn't afraid to do the same!

. My perfect match is a man who is not afraid to say what he thinks but still keeps other's feelings in mind. Jackass with a heart of gold
Important things to know about me (in no particular order): (1.) I don't like raisens. (2.) I think education of any kind is the best way to keep from being stationary or stagnant in life. (3.) If I could be barefoot all the time, I would be. (4.) I believe in gay marriage, gun control, and intelligence in the Oval Office. (5.) I have very little athletic ability. Seriously, I've screwed up games of mini golf. (6.) My mind is full of random useless facts about movies, yet I can barely remember anything I learned during my 4 years in college. Okay, it was 5 years in college. (7.) I think Paul Newman was sexy when he was younger. Much sexier than Redford. (8.) I am far too opinionated about my friends' lives. But I'm pretty sure they forgive me for this. (9.) When I can't sleep, I eat CheeseIts in bed and watch old episodes of Scrubs or Mad About You. (10.) I love to be comfortable. So I avoid Pantyhose and awkward conversations at all costs.

. My friends and family would say that I am a caring, kind-hearted person. I would do anything for anyone. I like to do many things from camping to playing softball on the weekends and always willing to do or try new things. I am also the type of girl who is not afraid of getting her hands dirty .... I have had my fair share of doing brakes on cars. I have a career that I love working as a medical assistant for a local pain management clinic in Glendale but looking to further my career and start working on my nursing degree. I like all sorts of music and movies but would have to say my all time favorites are country music and action movies but I do love my chick flicks ... lol :).
As to what I am looking for in a guy is just someone who is honest and kind, who knows how to treat a lady amd knows qhat they want in life. I do not like drama and I do not like head games.
Anyways if u would like to know more please be sure to send me a message and we can get to know more about each other

. I am fortunate that in my career I get to work at something that I love, but have gotten to the point where I know that that is not what I want the focus of my entire life to be. I am a medical resident and have had to work for a long time to get to where I am. I like to experience life and enjoy every day to the fullest, which can be hard sometimes with the hours I work. I often have to work weekends but when I get time off I am out hiking, traveling, and spending time with friends. I am now to the point where I am starting to plan for how I want the rest of my life to be, and I want to be sure that I make time to enjoy life and I am now looking for someone to share it with. Right now I just want to find someone to share fun, good times and adventures with but I hope eventually to find someone for the long term.
First impressions of me are often that I am shy and quite, although as you get to know me you will realize that I have a sarcastic sense of humor, am a caring person with strong values, and that I am very independent. If I cant find a friend to go with I will still go on hikes, trips and camp by myself, it is not worth forgoing an amazing experience just to not be alone. I am very happy with the life I am building myself but I do realize that if you have someone to share joy and experiences with they are even better.
I am looking for someone who is active, who loves the outdoors almost as much as I do, who wants to have adventures and someone to share them with. I want someone with a good sense of humor, an open mind, who is caring, who likes having fun, and who has a pretty good idea of what they want from life.