Date women from United States / Arizona / Maricopa, 30 year old

Date someone special from Maricopa, United States. I am a strong, smart, quick witted, adventurous person. I am a tomboy at heart and I enjoy trying new things and I don't mind getting a little dirt on me. I will go out of my way to help anyone I love. I care deeply for my family, friends and my dogs. If you love my dogs, you may just win my heart. I grew up in Northwest Indiana, about an hour from downtown Chicago. I have been out here in Arizona since 2000 when I came out here for school and never left. Part of my family is out here in AZ and part is back in IN. I grew up the youngest of three kids and have two older brothers. I work full time at a bank and part time with a boy with autism who I absolutely adore. I love to laugh and can have fun doing anything. I have been told that I am a bit random, but if you spend time with me you will get used to it. I should warn you that I am a very blunt person and tend to speak my mind, which has gotten me in trouble once or twice. I love extreme sports or activies. I have gone skydiving 3 times and would love to get certified so I could go by myself. For my 30th birthday I went white water rafting and had a blast. I'm pretty sure that white water rafting will be a yearly trip....I'm thinking the Grand Canyon next year. I recently discovered that I enjoy fishing, I just don't like touching the fish (I'm a little girly when it comes to things like that). I have a few tattoos but you wouldn't know it if you looked at me. I can get along with just about any one including parents and kids. I have been told that one of my biggest faults is that I always tend to see the good in people. I recenlty took a break from match and just reactivated my account so if you tried to contact me before, chances are I didn't get it so try again now.
I would like to meet a man who is confident in himself and can take the initiative when it comes to making decisions in his life. I want a man to be able to have independence in his life, as I like my independence in my life as well. We should be able to explore new things together and be open to ideas when opinions are given. I want someone to make me laugh and have an optimistic view on life and relationships. I want someone who i can have fun with without any drama. I want someone who isn't here to play games. I love children but do not have any and I would like a man who loves children too. I need a man to respect me and not take me for granted. As long as I am treated well, I will go above and beyond for a person I love. Being faithful to me is very important too. If there is no honesty or trust, then there cannot be a relationship. I have alot to offer I just need to find someone who appreciates me for me. I tend to have a busy schedule but will always make time for the people and things that are important to me.

Meet a soulmate from Maricopa, United States. I have had a rough last few years and have had very little time or desire to date, but I am ready to try to find someone that can be a great friend and partner. I am genuine and you will get exactly what you see with me. I refuse to play games and wont tolerate someone playing games with me. I am ready to get on to the good stuff in life and be happy again....want to come too?
hot male me at Monkeyspits

Date a woman from Maricopa, United States. I'm clearly simple and all about life! I live my life to the fullest and am greatly honored if you would allow me to be part of your present. I don't fret about the small things. I'm down to earth my kindness is easily consfused for interest. I am who I am. Ultimately it is your decision entirely if you choose to go forward.

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. I'm a single mom who's does it all by her self. Good thing about that is its just my girls & I no one else. I own my own home & car. We do what we want when we want. My girls mean the world to me. I work full time @ a rifle shop & I love it. I do a lot of military contracts as well as civilian and helping with the rifle builds. Best part of it all is I get to go to the range & test fire the rifles. So much fun! I love sports mainly football I'm a huge cardinals fan since they moved 2 az. I like going on bike rides & traveling.... just living life. There's so much more if ur interested you'll ask.

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I don't normally use online dating websites but I have had little to no luck in the real world so decided to give this a try.
I am a single mother to two boys, I work, and go to school full time. It may sound like I have no time but somehow I manage to juggle it all plus still have a social life. I have found that it is very important for me to still get out there socially or I may just go nuts if I dont. I consider myself to be honest and straight forward. I dont play games so I expect the same courtesy in return. I enjoy going out but I also like to stay in too and just hang out. I have 4 tattoos and 3 piercings (guess you would have to meet me to see them :) I love time and attention from the man of my interest but I also like to give it as much as I get it. I think that in order for any kind of relationship to work, there needs to be equality and mutual respect. For anyone out there who is looking for just a sexual hook up, please pass me by as I have no interest in just that. I honestly do not know how serious I want things to go but I would at least like to have the opportunity to get to know someone first so I can decide on what I want.
There are certain qualities that I look for in a man:
1. They must have a job. I dont really care what they do but I already have two kids, I dont need to take care of a grown man as well. That may sound a little blunt, but that is who I am and I know what I want and what I dont want.
2. They must be patient. Yes I am able to juggle my full schedule, but I need someone who is understanding that I may not be able to get out of the house 7 days a week.
3. I want a man who takes care of themselves financially, physically, and mentally. I think thats pretty self explanatory.
4. I also look for a man who does not play games and doesn't carry around a bunch of drama. I am a grown woman and I do not want to feel like I'm in high school again.
5. I want a man who likes to go out and have fun and can make me laugh. I think it is very important to be able to have things in common and carry on a convo for longer than 2 minutes. Sex is awesome and I really enjoy it but that can and will only keep my interest for so long if we have nothing to talk about.
I'm sure there is more but you will just have to get to know me in order to find those other things out.