Date women from United States / Arizona / Laveen, 30 year old

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. My friends describe as the fun and reliable one. Meaning I can make a bad situation good and I'm always there for them.They say I'm the "sweetheart" of the group.
I love to laugh and being pushed outside my comfort zone helps me grow and try new things. I'm grateful for my family they keep my strong. My social life is me hanging out with friends and family .I like to travel outside the states every other year.
Im looking for someone who make me smile and appreciate the little things in life. Someone who is fun, kind and outgoing.

Meet a woman from Arizona, United States. My family and friends are very important to me. I recently finished school and am ready for whatever the next adventure might be. I guess you can say I'm ready to find a special someone to share my days with but definitely not the settling type. I strongly believe that things happen for a reason so we'll see what happens
I'm not really a fan of writing a novel about myself but if your interested and want to know more then send me a message :)

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. Hi my name is Jenna! In general Im a very outgoing and genuine person! I love to stay active and believe in living each day as it were your last! Its important to me that anybody I surround myself with are positive people....not saying you always have to be in a good mood, just dont be negative and remember it could always be worse!

Meet a soulmate from United States. I am a Nerdbomb 6500x looking for a Dorkosaurus not afraid of being my Rex. I like to do stuff... especially being awesome. Dorko will love music, of the indie kind. Together, we will someday save the planet of evil invaders.

Date a woman from United States. Hi, I'm Kayla
I am liberal arts smart (history, politics, art) I pay attention to whatРІР‚в„ўs going on in the world; CNN, NPR and a lil Daily Show are my prefered news sources. I try to volunteer at least a few hours a month, I work with people who have disabilities and I think I generally put good things out into the world.
I have a super solid family that I am the appropriate amount of close to. I have maintained long, happy and healthy friendships with my girls and I take great pride in being a super fantastic friend. I'm pretty up for anything generally, I'm super layed back/low drama, I fancy myself as pretty damn fun and even a scosche whimsical. I think I am hilarious, but doesnt everyone. I enjoy life and work very hard at not taking the little things for granted. I’m an awesome cook, so long as you don’t mind that I put red pepper in everything. I’m pretty witty and I love a sarcastic sense of humor. I'm occasionally too honest. My credit is good, I am exceedingly polite, articulate and gosh darn it people like me…
I want someone who likes at least some of the same things as me and is definetley willing to travel! Other musts: Be nice to my dogs, my friends and my slightly nutty family. Preferably a guy who is ok with my larger than normal rear end. Hopefully someone that doesnt mind that I have an opinion for every occasion, you dont have to agree, just nod and smile. I really want Someone who knows how to be a good friend, someone honest and nice, easy on the baggage is definite a bonus, and Tall!

Meet someone special from United States. The simple things in life make me happy: A beautiful sunset, catching up with a friend, or reading a good book.
To describe myself, I would say that, initial I sometimes come off as shy and reserved. Sometimes I need to warm up to someone before I feel complete comfortable being myself. I love to laugh and joke around. Sometimes I laugh at the stupidest things! I love being outdoors. Going hiking and camping are some of my favorite things to do. I love animals. I currently don't have any pets but one day I would love to have a dog.

Date a soulmate from Laveen, United States. I'm an honest outgoing, beautiful woman, looking for a man whose the same, I am very passionate about my family they mean the world to me without them I dont know were I would be. I am a social butterfly the life of the party. I am grateful for all the people I still can call my friends. I am looking for someone who is going to be honest, have morals, have values, and most of all goals in life. I am most proud of me gradutating from school soon in April pursuing my carreer goal Medical Billing and Coding.

Meet a woman from Laveen, United States. Im a very out going and living person! I love taking trips, and taking long walks on the beach. Im a very fun person and knows what to say at the right time. Im looking for a guy that likes to have fun and knows how to keep his relationship alive, and thats hard worker, and must enjoy kids. A guy that cares about his health, and his personal apperance. And a great attitude is a must.

Date someone special from Laveen, United States. I love dogs. They make my heart smile. I am independent. I don't need to be needed but want to be wanted. I cry at sappy movies and cover my eyes at scary movies but enjoy them equally. My favorite cake is rainbow chip with rainbow chip frosting, not funfetti....they are completely different. Flowers make me smile (whether in nature or on my kitchen table). I agree with every word of "Affirmation" by Savage Garden. If you haven't heard it, you should look it up. I am the most at peace when I am in nature. The ocean fascinates me and terrifies me at the same time. I go every chance I get but only get in to my ankles. Dolphins and sea lions make me smile. To go on an Alaskan Cruise is on my bucket list. My choice of shoes is usually flip flops. I sing in the car even though I sound terrible. I am addicted to chapstick, just plain original chapstick. I make lists for everything.
One of my favorite quotes. "I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so you can learn to appreciate them when they are right. You believe lies, so that you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes, good things fall apart so that better things can fall together." --Marilyn Monroe
I am looking for a man that knows how to communicate. I am not a mind reader. Someone who understands that a healthy relationship is 50/50. I am not materialistic but you do need to have a steady job, reliable transportation, pay your bills on time. (basically, be a grown up) You need to not take life so seriously. Smile, laugh, it's going to be okay. I can't handle someone who complains all the time, the world isn't out to get you. I don't want to have to make your lemonade for you.
Oh and I have a theory about people who wear white sunglasses so if you own a pair, it won't work out between us. :)