Date men from United States / Arizona / Phoenix, 32 year old - page 9

Date single man from Arizona, United States. im out goin and fun hard worker lookind to find my other half not for a day or but for life. i will do my best to make it work and have a good relation ship, if u are outthere im here for u lets do a life

Meet a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I am a can do person with high ambition and a positive outlook. I believe there is no substitute for hard work in life. I rigorously push to achieve the goals I set for myself. My experience has taught me that without action there is no results. My experience has also taught me that it is important to stop and smell the flowers, too.
Success is measured in many ways. Equally as important as business and economic success is to me so is having a rich family life and close friends. When all is said and done the most valuable thing I have to offer anyone is my time. In the end it isn't about what you have in life it is about what you add to the stream of life. I find it very fulfilling to volunteer my time to worthy causes and to be present in the lives of those I love. It is amazing how many people you meet and form lasting relationships with when you are not focused only on what is in it for you. But I'd be lying if I tried to say I was perfect at that all the time.
I try to do the best I can and I am looking for someone that wants to do the same in their own life. I strongly believe in team work and seek a woman that will allow me to add my strengths to her life while adding her strengths to mine.
If you are someone that can relate to these ideas then I would love to talk to you.

Date a man from Arizona, United States. They say you need to be happy with yourself, before you can be happy with someone else.
I am VERY happy with myself!
No trouble meeting girls, just ones who have their sh*ttogether, a good head on their shoulders, and I can't keep my hands off
Looking to see if there are any who break the mold, who is cool enough to possibly one day claim the title of GF.
So far, you have let me down Az!!
Moved back here from LA, where I lived for the last 5 years, after I started my own company.
I have a cat I rescued as a stray, even though I always hated them!
Use to be a full time firearms instructor and taught military and big deal
Then ran a yoga studio
Now run a blog and website, work a few hours a week, and somehow make more than I EVER did working 50 hours a week
(think 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris, even though I haven't read it!)
Sushi and netflix sounds better than a night of clubbing.
Do not contact me if you are a
-aspiring actress
-or if you have implants
=it NEVER works!
(bonus points if you are petite, and sweet girl next door type!)

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. First off you know it is bad when you have to go through your friends facebooks to find a picture of yourself. So about me.... I work a lot I play a lot but I do not seem to meet a whole lot of new people, and everyone keeps telling me I should try this out so here I am. I am pretty easy going and get along with anyone. I am not really good at talking about myself, but if you would like to know more please send me a message.

Date single man from United States. I came out here from Boston to go to ASU, and haven't left. But I'm still a huge New England sports fan. I've finally settled into a place in Central Phoenix. I love to jump on the light rail to hit up first fridays or walk down the street to the bars.
I teach at a middle school in west phoenix.
The kids keep me on my toes which is good since I hate sitting down. I stay busy coaching and playing soccer.

Meet a soulmate from United States. Well I feel like you should not give away to much about yourself in your introduction. It eliminates good future conversations. But since I have to write up a summary I will give the basics. I currently reside in south Phoenix and work here as well. I like to workout after my job to relieve the stress. Which would usually give me the weekends to hang out with friends and just relax. I have 2 older sisters that i am very close to and try to spen as much time as possible as I can. Of there's anything else you would like to know then please send a message.

Date a man from United States. Hi, I'm Dave. I am a normal, old fashioned guy with an active lifestyle and active job. Being new to meeting people on the internet, bear with me. :) I think my closest friends would describe me as a man's man, pretty much the opposite of a "metrosexual" type guy. Sorry, no fake tans and manicures for me. ;) I love the outdoors and my job and hobbies reflect that. Some of those include hunting, hiking, photography. Staying fit and healthy is important to me and should be to any potential matches. My career is with the government and I love going to work everyday. I am very social and personable with new people so feel free to drop me a message.

Meet someone special from United States. "STRANGER! if you, passing, meet me, and desire to speak to me, why should you not speak to me?
And why should I not speak to you?"
Walt Whitman, "Leaves of Grass."
Ambitious and outgoing professional. I'm fun, funny, loud, honest, and love to travel (locally or all over the world). In Phoenix by way of many other places. I grew up in Chicago, and have lived in Los Angeles, Washington DC, and London. I'm a two time author (at work on a third book), attorney, and public affairs strategist.

Date single man from Phoenix, United States. Like I said in my intro I love to laugh. I'm a Daddy of two AWSOME boys. I'm a musician and music is a huge part of my life whether it's playing gigs or going to see a new band I just found. I love when a girl is sarcastic it shows me that she like to Kidd around. I love style clothes and shoes mainly shoes!!! Lol I'm kind of a Sneaker head! When I'm with a girl that I'm into I treat her like shes the only girl on the planet! I'm a gentlemen yes, I was raised right. So if you want to meet a nice guy that treats you right contact me:)
God bless, Johnny

Meet a soulmate from Phoenix, United States. I'm a Christian geek from the Midwest. I'm originally from Wisconsin where I grew up. I spent about four years in St. Louis, MO where I did grad school. And now I've been living in Phoenix, AZ for a little more than 4 years.
I moved down here after getting a job as a professor with a small, local university. I teach computer science, game programming and ethics. So, yeah, you can already probably see I'm a bit of a nerd there. I also fit many stereotypes of people who are from Wisconsin. I love cheese, bratwurst, and the Packers.
I'm about 6 feet tall with golden-brown hair, a powerful build, and eyes that actually change color from green to blue and shades in between. Doesn't always make for a lot of compliments, but it's definitely cool. I can be a little shy, but once bridges are built and connections are made I open up fully. I've been learning not to be shy more and more as I get older. Sometimes I worry I am too open. I tend to be fiercely loyal and honest to a fault. Being a professor has made me a little blunt at times. If you're that kind of geek you'll get this reference, I'm often labled as a lawful-good paladin/cleric type by my friends.
Interest wise, I am a bit of a Renaissance man. I enjoy movies, books, music, games, traveling, sports and a whole lot of other things. I'm not your standard shut-in geek. I like to get out and hang out and do things. I love rock-climbing (indoor for now) and playing backyard sports (I'm currently trying to get back into shape - I have walked and hiked over 370 miles since September. I was 'sidelined' with a terrible ankle injury about 2 years ago).
More often when it comes down to sports I prefer doing over watching, so I tend to not following teams and stats - but I will watch the big games especially for "my teams."
I enjoy cooking and am not too bad at it if I say so myself. I am a gamer as well (can't really teach game programming without being a gamer). I enjoy video, board and hobby games. I also design games on the side.
Media taste wise: I enjoy kung-fu flicks, fantasy, anime, sci-fi, history, etc. Heck, I don't even mind "chick-flicks" as long as they're good. I don't like gore or cruelty at all (you'll never catch me watching a Saw movie for example).
My faith is extremely important to me and has been a driving force throughout my life. I don't really belong to a church right now, but I'm looking to change that soon. God's been teaching me a lot in this last year about not just being a man, but being a man of God. It's been a hard lesson. Acts 16 has become a personal focus lately. I'm a non-denominational Christian.
OK ... enough about me ... now who am I looking for?
First things first - her faith must be important to her.
Personality -
She should be fun and interesting. I kinda like a bit of an independent streak. I always joke that my family speaks in the language of sarcasm, so being able to be silly and take and make jokes is important.
I'm looking for a woman that I can share my hobbies with and pick up some of hers. Someone who wants to see the world, but loves coming back home.
I'd like a woman who can laugh and have fun with the simplest of things and doesn't need some grandiose scheme or plan. She should love the little things and be able to accept gifts and compliments when they're given (I've been told I'm pretty sappy).
Someone who looks forward to going to Ren-Faires and possibly Cons and might even dress up for them (I don't, but would for the right gal).
She needs to be a geek or at least geek attracted. I'm not going to change that part of my personality, it took too long to like and accept that part me to start changing it. If you contact me, or respond to me - do it knowing this.
Physically, I don't want someone too heavy or too skinny. Height-wise I kinda like shorter girls. To wrap it up in a nutshell, I'm looking more for cute with kind of a style all her own.

Date a man from Phoenix, United States. Hello all! I'm new to Phoenix. I work in the technology industry within operations. I am goal-oriented, blunt, honest, educated, respectful, and looking for a relationship. I play chess, poker, love movies, want to get out more and see Phoenix, rollerblade, computers, music is a passion as it all forms of writing. Work keeps me busy, so hopefully we can connect here and then get together. I have high hopes / dreams, I'm a hopeless romantic, I am loyal to a fault and I forgive, but I don't forget. I am no where near perfect, but I am honest, loyal, and faithful. I am looking for the same. Good luck to you all in finding exactly what you are looking for!

Meet someone special from Phoenix, United States. My name is Alexander. I'm 32, Puerto Rican and originally from the NY/NJ area but have lived in phoenix for the past 9 years. Professionally, I had been a Senior Loan Officer for JP Morgan Chase but started a new position within the Company 6 months ago. Personality wise, the people who know me best would describe me as original, compassionate, loyal, funny, intellegent, trustworthy, out-spoken and giving. I'm on this site, to hopefully find someone who like me is getting tired of playing games. Someone who is looking to to add the final piece of the puzzle if you will. Communication is key for me, as i can talk for hours about anything. Please message me if your interested and best of luck on your search.