Date men from United States / Arizona / Winslow, 32 year old

Date someone special from United States. I want a lady that don't put up with bs. Someone that is cares for herself. I love tattoos. I got like ten myself. Maybe she might like to swim in creeks going out doors playing horseshoes mainly all out going!

Meet a man from United States. I live in a small town so its kinda hard to meet anyone that I haven't known for years. I have a good career in a field that I actually like going to work. So I don't need a relationship for someone to support me. I am trying to find someone that will give me a reason to look forward to coming home.
It sounds typical but a sense of humor is a must. The groups of people I surround myself with always have that in common. We can have serious conversations when it matters, but there is usually a lot more laughing and joking.