Date men from United States / Arizona / Phoenix, 32 year old - page 8

Date a soulmate from Phoenix, United States. I'd like to meet someone who I'm attracted to physcially, but also has a great personality & is intelligent. I'm an outgoing, happy go lucky person who's very close to my family and is looking for a woman who values honesty and communication as much as I do. I am very close to my family and would like to have one of my own at some point w/ the right woman. I grew up in Montana, but have lived in Montreal, New York, Kentucky, and New Jersey (all for work). I moved here in 2011 for work and am at a place where I'm comfortable professionaly, financially, and personally. Now, I'd like to share my life with someone. I do have a busy job (I work in professional athletics) but there is always time for the right person. I have travelled to all but 4 states, every province in Canada, and several countries in Europe and Mexico. I have quite a few places left I'd like to cross off the list still too. I like to workout daily and am a bit of a health nut (but not insane w/ it and I also don't expect others to be as well). With that, I'm not a big drinker and am not into the bar scene. Some of my friends have met great women on here, so I'm giving it a shot. Good luck to everyone in their search!

Meet a man from Phoenix, United States. There's only one thing a person can answer honestly about himself, so it's the only thing I'll entertain talking about here: Yes, I am as dashingly handsome as I come across in those photos. More, actually, because I usually wear glasses (unless engaging in watersports), so I'm a modern-day Adonis AND I appear literate. Also, I can honestly say I like gin. Do you like gin? Really? IT WAS MEANT TO BE.
I'm sorry if you were looking for something deep and insightful here. I wish I could offer a look into my soul, but everything I tried to write sounded ridiculous, and anyway you weren't that interested in hearing me try to humblebrag or try and make my life sound way more awesome than any life ever lived. If you really want to know something, just ask. I'm an open book.
Speaking of books ... did I mention how much I like to read? I read, like, SEVENTY books a week. I so totally do. Especially the really smart ones with poetry and ish. POETRY RULES.

Date single man from Phoenix, United States. I am an independent, honest, kind, loyal man looking for someone to share in the adventure of life. I hope that the people closest to me would describe me as fun, compassionate, inteligent, and easy going. I moved around a lot when I was growing up and got comfortable with meeting new people and putting myself in unfamiliar situations. I believe that this has made me a more confident and open minded person. I moved to Phoenix from Denver about five years ago and so far I have really enjoyed it here. I always try to surround myself with good people who can laugh at themselves and each other. I can be shy at first but usually open up quickly. I love to do the typical outdoor activities such as golfng, skiiing, camping, hiking, etc. I also love to travel and try to go abroad whenever I can. I enjoy sneaking away for the weekend as much as exploring new cultures in foreign lands. I have lived in Costa Rica and the U.S. Virgin Islands and see myself living abroad again sometime in the future.
My ideal match is confident and independent, is able to carry on stimulating conversations, is kind and hilarious, is spontaneous and down to earth. She would definately have to enjoy finding new adventures and being around people. I highly value the opinions of the people I love, so she would have to get along well with my friends and family. She also needs to share my love for outdoor activities. I am looking for a woman who is willing to constantly challenge me and share in the excitement and obstacles of life.

Meet someone special from Phoenix, United States. Hello ladies!
I'm a laid back but very outgoing type guy. I can have fun in nearly any situation, I love to laugh and make people laugh, but I'm not funny to everyone. I love a good comedy but really enjoy action flicks. I'm a hunter, hiker, long-boarder, baseball coach, proud owner of a dog, passionate, thoughtful, giving, and honest. I love to go out to eat, check out new places, try new wine & beers, go exploring, take roadtrips, give surprises, and spend time with my family and friends. I always keep an optimistic view, there's no sense in being depressed about things we usually can't even control. I know my way around a kitchen but I man the grill more often. I like ladies who are confident but don't feel the need to always prove a point or that they were right....aka a know-it-all. A good smile always makes me smile and a gal with sexy eyes is a huge turn on. Lets face it, we need initial attraction....if you like what you see and the feeling is mutual we're already off to a good start.
~More Pics?

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. Its not easy talking about me, though I like to
Im a thinker, a respecter of persons, I try to practice what I preach and lead by example, I can be hard headed at time but have been told im a good listener. Most say I am very driven/determined. I enjoy sports and learning. I love God and all of his creations.
As for my Match....hmmmm...I hope she is a good listener and lover, one who can be selfless and enjoys travel, the simple things in life and wants to constantly grow. If you have any questions, please feel free to say hi!
bye .....for now

Meet a man from Arizona, United States. So I enjoy working out and playing tennis. A good movie and fine dining are always at the top of my list of things to do. I enjoy dancing and listening to upbeat music house, hip-hop, lounge, drum and bass. I am a vegetarian. Looking for someone with a positive attitude towards life, non-judgemental and who values good health.

Date single man from Arizona, United States. My friend would describe me as honorable and smart. John Holmburg's jokes make me smile. I'm most proud of exceeding my family's expectations. I'd like to find someone I can laugh to tears with, someone who'll play music with me, and someone who will is always growing and sharing new things with me.

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. I was born and raised in the beautiful island of Puerto Rico. Pina coladas, dominos, and the beaches were awesome but decided to serve in the Air Force. I believe that serving is an honor and something that more people should get involved in to give a little something back for the freedoms provided by this country.
I was stationed in Ft Walton Beach, Spec Ops Headquarters and my time there went relatively smooth but as anyone that is from that area will tell you, that there is a whole lot of nothing to do (especially if you love the outdoors). Did 6 years there and separated to Phoenix, AZ where I pursued two degrees in Chemistry and Geological Sciences (NERD) from ASU. I am currently working analytical chemistry in Mesa while living in Tempe which is a hell of a drive but whatever =p
My ideal match...lets to say this without sounding like every other profile...she would have to be grateful, honest, humble and definitely ready to suck the marrow out of life! Fun is an asset that I cannot bypass in a companion and I can't stress this enough. Meaning that someone that takes themselves too serious will probably not do well with someone like me for the most part.
I am kind of a cheeseball but also am very passionate about having educated and civil conversations about pretty much anything whether controversial or not. From the degradation of morality in society to how you or I feel today, I love to talk so be forewarned lol. I have somewhat of an old fashioned sense of love and friendship. I get my values from my faith in Christianity and say this unabashedly.
My likes lie heavily in the following categories; music, theology, movies, outdoor activities, history, and last but certainly not least, science. On the weekends I either take my dogs hiking (whenever time permits), hit the trails mountain biking, or take a few hours and go read at Barnes and Noble (simultaneously feeding my addiction to coffee YUM!). During the week after work I chat it up with my friends online, go run a few miles around where I live, or do my new thing now which is exercising using the Xbox Kinect. This may sound like kids play but no...hell no. These workouts seem to be designed by Satan himself and are serious! The gym is still my favorite place to workout though.
Like I said before, I am hoping to share some of the things that I love doing and maybe couple them with things that my ideal match likes and loves to do. My view of love is somewhat unorthodox and not a 50/50 concept as most people see it. Gov. Huckabee said it perfectly when he said in a debate that love between man and a woman is not 50/50, it should be 100/100 (unless we are sharing mint chocolate chip ice cream then its more like 70/30).
It is difficult to encompass a personality in such limited space and in fear of sounding like a rambling fool so I will end this brief bio here and say that if you want to know more, send me an email.

Date a soulmate from United States. I'm a very social and easy going guy. I grew up in the Michigan and moved to Florida when I was 19. I've been in sunny AZ for 7 years now. My brother and sister in law live down the road so I like to spend a lot of time with them and my nephews.
Im a huge sports guy and briefly played semi pro volleyball. I also played soccer and basketball. I'm always ready to go to a local game:)
My job is awesome! I'm a Director of Sales for Southern Wine and Spirits. I get to do a lot of unique cool things with work as well as the fact that I get free wine:) I'm a "Cork Dork" so if you are too we'll probably get along! Work is a HUGE priority in my life but I don't let it rule my life.
I'm looking for a nice girl who can carry a conversation. I need someone who is nice to strangers cause I think that shows what kind of person you are. I'm not an Axis Radius guy or Affliction/Ed Hardy, 30k millionaire. I really enjoy hanging at home, cooking dinner and spending time with my dog. (Simi) I like girls with a cute style with a stable life style. (I love how cliche it is to write these!)
So if you have any questions? Just ask. Cant wait to hear from you!

Meet a man from United States. I am a 32 year old that has been moving around a bunch with my job. I have fun doing everything if I am with the right person. Surfing, snowboarding, ocean--love 'em. Miss the weather in San Francisco but Arizona is pretty cool too. Looking for a girl that on occasion runs out to my truck and gives me a hug because she is so excited I showed up.

Date single man from United States. Most people would tell you I would give them the shirt off my back if they needed it. I have always looked out for other people's best interest instead of my own. I grew up in a small town(in the Midwest) where everyone helped out if they could and that has just stuck with me through life. I am the type of person that belive's that everyone is equal and Im no better than the next person and they are no better than me.I belive in a strong work ethic and sometimes it gets me stressed out but I also know I need to make time for fun and relaxation. I think that some mistake my kindness for a weakness but belive me it's not. I'm laid back and try to keep out of other people's business as I don't want them in mine. I am looking for a woman that wants to start something and is open to a long term relationship if it gets to that point. My ideal match would be ok with getting dressed up and going out for the night or just popping some popcorn and chillin in a pair of shorts(or sweats but kinda hot here for those) and a t-shirt at the house. She would like to do outdoorsy stuff like camping and quading without complaining of "its too dirty". Most of all I'm looking for a woman that can accept me for me and not try to change me into something Im not.

Meet someone special from United States. I lived in Alabama for a year. Before that I spent 4 years in San Diego and 4 1/2 years in Flagstaff, AZ. I moved to Phoenix, AZ about 4 and a half years ago. I was promoted to assistant general manager of a casual dining restaurant here in Phoenix in July 2010. Then in October 2010 I took over as GM. Now I am building new business at our newest store in Scottsdale. It is an Exciting new challenge but I have finally gotten it to where I can step away and have a personal life again. Arizona and the West own a big part of my heart. I was drawn back West after only a year back in the South.
I am a laid back, loyal, fun person. I am always up for a new experience. I love to get out and enjoy the great outdoors. I have become a runner over the last few years and have run one half-marathon. I am working on getting back into the grove after a hiatus caused by a busy 6 months at work. I also enjoy hiking, camping, rock climbing, and snowboarding. I love that the weather here lets me put the top down and take the doors off the Jeep more here than elsewhere. Its nice to get a little outdoors even when it is just to and from work!
I enjoy live music and dive bars. I like a night at the movies, comedys or action, or a quiet evening at home. I am looking for someone who shares the same interests and wants to get out there and live life.
I grew up in New Orleans and it will always be home. I love living out West. I moved out here for the amazing weather and to be close to the mountains for hiking and snowboarding. I would love to find someone to snowboard with during the winter and do some camping during the other seasons. Also someone who enjoys a night on the town.
Anything you want to know, just ask.