Date men from United States / Arizona / Chandler, 32 year old

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. I work hard 12hr days for 20 days straight away from home. It's rough on a relationship,but I miss having a woman to come home to. No particular hobbies, I'm pretty go with the flow and ready to do anything on my days off.

Meet single man from Arizona, United States. I'm originally from southern California but moved to Sedona Arizona 20 years ago and now I'm here in Chandler starting a new life. I'm country hearted, a little old fashion, a complete gentleman, I love to cook, go dancing, jump on my motorcycle an go for long rides, take road trips, go camping, snowboarding, spend a few days at the lake, and pretty much love any thing that has to do with with outdoor fun.
I'm looking for some one to enjoy my life with. Some one that is not afraid to take chances, is loving, respectful, genuine, a ill bit country, and not afraid to let out there inner dork.

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I grew up rural west Tennessee mostly farm land, so I guess you could say I'm a country boy at heart. I'm simple man and just want to live a happy simple life. I moved to phx about 8 years ago, fell in love with the dry heat! Haha, not but I do like it here, it's very different change of scenery and things to do.
Ever notice when your asked to write about yourself how hard it is? I would say i'm loyal, great listener, shy at first, but open when I get comfortable. I like to analyze everything and work my a$$ off too accomplish a goal! I just got the job I have been trying to get for past 3.5 years. So I guess that would mean I'm pretty dedicated? I'm extremely excited and happy that my hard work has paid off finally. So no I can say I'm pretty happy with my life and where it's going. I'm just missing that special someone!
The most important things in life are friends and family, because at the end of day all that you have. I have a small group of friends which I call friends and they are family to me. I have a niece and nephew that make me very happy, and wish they were closer so I could see them grow!
I enjoy the outdoors, hiking, camping or just sitting watching nature do it's thing. My biggest passion is riding motorcycles, an that's how I have seen most of AZ. Nothing beats a day trip up north in the fall! I love cooking BBQ and drinking coffee on weekends curled up on the couch with my partner in crime. But I also like going out exploring new things and hanging out afterwards drinking. I want to travel and see the world, go on trips with no plans, just a map.
If this sounds like you then say hello or wink, I just want to make some new friends and whatever happens, happens!

Meet a man from Arizona, United States. someone who likes to have fun and travel. No drama live life drama free and have fun. I also want some who can stay at home and watch a movie and also get up and go at drop of a hat. I need some who is strong and knows what she wants.

Date someone special from Chandler, United States. I am the type who eats dessert first. What can I say, I am adventures. I will try anything once.
I grew up in Europe. Moved to the States when I was 14. I played soccer, basketball and a few other sports. Things I enjoy today: great company, intaligent conversation, golf, photography, and good food and drinks. watching movies, playing poker, golf and a few other things. I'm no Emerald, but I've been told I make the best cheesy eggs ever! I do have to warn you - I am The World's Slowest Eater! What can I say... I like to enjoy my food!
I can roll my tongue into a three-leaf clover, and I can bake 30 minute brownies in 29 minutes! :) haha
I'd rather be out at the driving range, meet up with friends for HH, or put in some time in my Photo Studio, then to sit at home and playing video games. So if you are a couch potato - we probably aren't going to mesh. However, If you are over fist pumping, fake tan, affliction shirts, deep v's - we should definitely chat.
About you... I love talkative, outgoing, confident type of gal. As long as talkative doesn't mean you call/txt me 40 times a day just to talk. A girly girl, someone who takes care of hereself. If you are lightheaded, witty, cultured, with a job, and real hair and finger nails - it is definitely a plus!
Like what you see - send me a message already so that we can chat.

Meet single man from Chandler, United States. I’m a pretty active person and I do like to do a lot of things like camping, fishing, playing sport, going to sporting events, shooting guns, going to the lake, riding dirt bikes, hanging out at the pool even lying low hanging out watching a good movie. I do love to listen to music, what I listen to really depends on what mood I’m in. Of course I’m passionate about my Family they always comes in at #1 and always will and you always need good friends, I’ mean friends that are always there for you no matter what.

Date a soulmate from Chandler, United States. I am definitely a laid back guy with a positive outlook on life. People often mistake me as being too serious but once they open up to me and I open up to them they see the real me. That is a guy who is silly but respectful.
I enjoy spending time with my family especially nieces and nephews. I am looking for someone who is genuine, and considers family important. I am polite and thoughtful so I would like to meet someone who will appreciate my kindness. A girl who has confidence in herself is something I look for but she also has to have a sense of humor.
A good date for me can be as casual as dinner, a movie, or sporting events. I like dressing up but I also like to keep things casual and fun.

Meet a man from Chandler, United States. This explains it all, trust me!
I'll share a little narrative that will in a sense explain how I got to the point I have. Time travel with me if you will for the next brief and bitter sweet moments. Here we go...I was in the 4th grade, and had just discovered girls for the first time. It was all I could think about. There was one special girl in my class named Kelly. She was the kind of girl you could just stare at for five minutes and it'd feel like a lifetime. I had a sense of romanticism even at that age, and don't ask me how either, being the oldest of five boys I certainly didn't have anyone showing me the ropes in the lessons of love, or at least at that point in my life, full blown infatuation.
I had always noticed that Kelly loved earrings, she wore them everyday. Some loops, some studs, all kinds. Remember we're smack the the middle of the 80's here, fashion was odd, even back then. For the next two weeks I mowed, raked leaves, pulled weeds in the yards of almost any neighbor that would let me until I had enough saved up for what I thought could get me what I dreamed Kelly would love, a nice new, shiny, pretty set of earrings. That weekend my mom took me shopping and in all honesty I didn't want her knowing what I was doing, after all she could have slammed the brakes on my whole mission at that point, again seeing as how young I was, I just knew she'd think I was being ridiculous.
At my third pass at the jewelry counter she finally caught on and asked what I was doing? I broke down and told her because I honestly was a little lost and needed help. She actually for some reason thought it was sweet, maybe a little much, but she never let on that she didn't approve 100%, she was on board as far as I knew.
She helped me pick out the perfect set, not too big, not too small, and a pair that didn't completely wipe me out because she knew how much I'd worked for what I had. That upcoming Monday, literally the whole day my stomach was in my throat, and my butterflies were eating me alive! Now I wasn't going into this ordeal blind, I had some inclination via rumors and my own flirtations that my soon to be efforts were not going to be totally in vain. As our last class got out, I could feel the sting of the heat from outside blast my face, and for a brief second take my mind off what was about to transpire. Halfway down the outside phoenix corridors of our little school,
I jogged up to her, gave her a tap, and when she turned I simply said, "hey Kelly, these are for you". At this point all the blood from my body now resided in my face and I quickly shut my mouth and let the gift do the talking. She smiled from ear to ear and said thanks and ran towards the bus because by now it was literally leaving. I watched as I saw her climb the stairs, and standing about the half way point down the isle I saw her arms shoot up in the air, followed by bouncing around and smiling and screaming. My heart felt like it was full of helium and could lift my boy size body right off the ground.
I didn't sleep a wink that night. Then tragedy struck my little heart not a day later. As I got up to grab myself and her a milk, which I always did, I noticed she wasn't at her desk, but her trapper keeper lay wide open, and in the bottom corner of one of the pages it read, with words inside of small hearts, "I love Robert"...."I love Chad"....."I like Cameron a little"...... (I'm Cameron by the way).
My head started spinning and I felt like I'd just found out there was no Santa, my world stopped. As if that wasn't bad enough, her parents called mine that night and scolded them for allowing their son to, at that age, be so advantageous and outgoing to a girl.
So here I am, looking for someone else who might like my earrings...

Date someone special from United States. I ?am adventure, caring, romantic and I like to enjoy life. I like to listen and to be supportive. I like the outdoors, like to read, like movies, and like dancing and going out to night clubs.
My ideal person would be someone who is caring, honest, and faithful.

Meet single man from United States. I'm hoping to call Phoenix home for awhile, I've lived in five different states in the last seven years. Moving has been great because I've seen many different areas of the country. Places that I enjoyed like St. Louis and places I'll never move back. The worst part about moving is its hard meeting someone to share your life with. Now that I've settled in I'm hoping that will change.I'm hoping I meet someone that believes in giving back to the community. I've been volunteering at the AAWL animal shelter since June and loving it. I will admit its hard not to bring all of the cute animals home, I should have volunteered at a homeless shelter because then I can't bring any of them home. There is no better feeling than seeing the face of a family that finds the dog of their dreams.Humor is probably one of my specialties and I'm hoping you can keep up with my sarcasm. Cooking is another one of my specialties and I hope being a guy that can cook gets me a few cool points. If you combine the cooking with the humor you get the first time I learned to stir fry. Last winter in New York I learned cooking can be dangerous by catching the wok on fire. Who knew a little oil could turn into two foot flames. I grabbed the flaming wok, ran through my apartment and opened the backdoor to toss the whole thing in the snow. I know, smooth but it was the only thing I could think of. I have gotten better since then. There is a lot more to me and I hope you take the time to know me. If you are interested I can tell you the time I almost got into a fight with an Australian in Amsterdam or my night snorkeling trip in Jamaica. I look forward to meeting you.

Date a soulmate from United States. I am looking for someone who enjoys life, likes to have fun and laugh at my sweet jokes.
I'm smart, responsible, sarcastic, active, and have goals in life. My family and friends are important to me and I enjoy spending time with them. I want to find somebody that I have things in common with and doesn't play games. I'm not perfect but life is a journey and I try to learn something new every day. Though same days I'm lazy and don't want to learn anything or get off the couch! I believe one of the most important things in life (not just a relationship) is communication.
I enjoy cooking & would love to have somebody to cook with and for. I'm very open-minded and will try just about anything once. If it's good, I'll try it again! I try to live a healthy lifestyle & love being outdoors. Camping, Mexico, cycling, running, hiking, ATVs, cooking, RVing are a few of the many things I enjoy. I can wake up early & go for a run or drink all night like a champ.
random facts & thoughts:
I'm an AZ native
I met Oprah at the bottom of the Grand Canyon (true story)
My parents have been married for 38 years
I enjoy anything wrapped in bacon
I have a chocolate lab named Hank (short for Mr. Hanky)
I want to do a triathlon within the next 2 years
I have a RV & love to travel
I love Costco

Meet a man from United States. i really do not know what to say here, i guess i'm looking for a great girl to spend time with, i'm having no luck finding anyone in my personal daily life. i figure there is nothing wrong with putting myself out there and seeing what happens, you never know unless you try.