Date men from United States / Alaska / Anchorage, 60 year old - page 2

Date a soulmate from Anchorage, United States. Mature man seeking mature lady in Anchorage, Alaska. I am retired professional who enjoys the company of ladies who enjoy long conversations over a drink or two. Enjoys the company of another homebody.

Meet single man from Anchorage, United States. I am tired of being alone. I find it hard getting old without having someone to love.
Otherwise, apart from a having lot of money, I achieved most I wanted, I live in a place I wanted to be, have an easy and interesting job, travelled across North America.
I enjoy endurance-related outdoors activities, that is no fishing! I am not particularly talkative, in fact meaningless talk irritates me. This does not mean I do not like conversations, but there must be something substantial topic that is worthwhile to discuss.
I need someone who would provide me with emotional support. Like in that Bruce Springsteen song "Cover me". Intellect is a plus. As for political and social preferences I am very liberal, fiscally conservative and a bit on libertarian side. Thus tea-baggers need not apply. I want a woman who does not like Jerry Springer and prefers reading Chris Hedges to watching Oprah. And the dogs - must accept them. Wonderful loving creatures.

Date a man from Anchorage, United States. What is distance if there could be that special "chemistry" for each other? If love would be involved, there are no roots ... If you give your life as a wholehearted gesture of love, then love will wholeheartedly respond to you. No gamers please . Only serious interest is welcome. Distance and age are not important are not important for me. I have no roots and would not mind to relocate future wise if there is chemistry.... I am physically active, I am divorced and have a son and daughter who lives with my ex- . I love kids and family life! I'm seeking friends and hope to find that special soul-mate to grow old with. I view appearance as important, but I'm looking for a lot more than physical attraction that sustains a relationship. I view intelligence as important my personality traits are easy going, flexible, humorous, intellectual, practical, sheer romantic, sensitive, passionate, serious, spontaneous, fun loving, tender, honest by default, and a whole lot more you will get to find out, wink, smiling.....I am searching for that special lady whose head always finds the right spot on my shoulder, with ease fits into my arms and rest her cheek on my chest, may take hours to get dressed but in the end it makes it all worthwhile when my face lights up at the picture of her magnificent awe . How cute I think you are when we argue and u dig your heels in to make a point and be heard, The way your hand always finds mine when u are vulnerable or insecure, The way you smile and feel when you see my name on your mobile unexpectedly, The way u sit with your legs sometimes crossed or tucked in under u, in a sexy way, or twine a leg through mine in a public place, The way that u kiss me when I least expect it, The way u fall into my arms when u wanna cuddle or cry or when u are tired or sad, Then the way u apologize for crying over something silly.., The way u say "I miss you" when we are apart, When u say "I love you" and i know that it's for REAL!!!Cause your eyes tell me so..Stepping in Love is not enough lets free fall together, if you feel you can handle most of that I`m Your Man!!

Meet someone special from Anchorage, United States. I am a 59 year-old man going bald, chunky build looking for a woman who can look beyond the physical appearance want someone to have conversation with " maybe go out for a drink, or a nice restaurant or just sit home and watched movies
While sitting in front of a burning fireplace
doesn't sound too exciting does it ??? but that's me

Date a soulmate from Alaska, United States. Recent relationship ended and wanting to spend some time ridding my bicycle, floating rivers, playing golf, kayaking, get the picture, with someone that enjoys these things as well as having good coffee on the back porch, going to movies, wine tasting, or even the grocery store.
Looking for the right connection for both myself and the right individual, for me that's whats most important the Connection. Could call it a heart thing.Lots of stories to tell but looking for someone who has their own stories to entertain me. Will be moving to the west valley area of Phoenix in four or five months, and hoping to meet new friends interested in the above.

Meet single man from Alaska, United States. A friend last week called me the ultimate extrovert; quick to draw people into conversation and laughter. However, I see myself often perched in a coffee house or plaza, people watching, surrounded by books, traveling to distant beaches, and enjoying an excellent pinot.
I have always been a communicator. I'm the person who asks questions on planes, follows my father's advice to draw people out. I do tell my own stories, and do enjoy listening.
Experiencing, feeling, constructing nature is a huge part of my existence...while I enjoy the forest, I prefer the open spaces, alpine, tundra, desert. In my labors as an archaeologist, patience is required: I look at alot of sand and gravel and figure out what it means for climate change. In this work, I'm on the beach and dunes, flying in fixed wing craft and in helicopters.
My thousands of books would tell you that I am curious and passionate about history, art, religion. I would like to see the world change for the better, I'll admit to being a bit of a ludd-ite but I like objects, more than digital files.
What would I like in some one else? Sensuality is important, warmth, communication, not bottling up emotions and sharing, of course. I prefer some one who has a mission, solid interests and sees the aesthetics of life. Someone who likes to travel, to as easily savor a good wine, as bike or hike, and relishes the give and take of conversation.

Date a man from Alaska, United States. OK, so I officially joined today the day before Thanksgiving. Well settled but scared. I have been single for a long time and it is time to change that. I am drug and Disease free and so should you be. I have a passion for romance from holding hands and snuggeling to who knows where. You need to be a little adventureous cause sometimes I just take off. I am truely shy and quiet until I get to know you. I am employeed full-time and own a photography business (so very busy). I am looking for someone fun and independant, self confident, and yes must love to dance - also must not be insecure of my photography business( this has brought a relationship or 2 to a stop).
I have been dancing for more than 20 years now, teaching for the last 15 years or so. I love all genre of dance Latin, Country, Swing, Ballroom. My photography business is currently centered around fashion, and model protfollio and am heavily involved in several runway shows.

Meet someone special from Alaska, United States. I have a heart that feels deeply, wants to give sacrificially for a special companion who values and nurtures that kind of love. I am grateful to have good health, and God's grace that I see in everyday life. I enjoy my work and also value times of rest and recreation - the times I most would like to share with someone special. In a deepening relationship I most value honesty and openness, lightness and positiveness. When it is time for commitment, I value that it is given soberly and with genuine loyal love for one another.

Date a soulmate from United States. Ruggedly handsome, outdoors type,educated,witty,talented in many ways. Average build, fit, no potbelly or permanet baseball cap or Dukes of Hazard fan like so many people I see my age. I don't watch football, I don't even know how to play the game. (Get off the couch and do something besides rooting for your favorite millionaire every weekend!) Looking for a friend and activity partner for now, maybe more. Not looking for long term relationship at this time but you never know what the future brings. Been divorced for many years, the kids are all grown, Would love to meet a special lady to capture my heart and hold my hand again. She should Attractive, inteligent, sense of humor, healthy and active. Good looking and sexy. A city gal with a few country ways or interest, or a country gal with a few city ways. Either way she should be pretty. Maybe she is beautiful and is not aware of it! Let me be the judge! Adventurious and well balanced in life and work. Educated and interested in becoming friends first. Maybe a musician, Pilot, Poet, Actress, musher, Lover. I don't want to get involved with someone with alot of baggage, like money problems or a drinking problem or serious health issues. Been there..and done that. I love Utah and travel there every summer for several months to visit family and friends. I enjoy camping in the Desert and love the mountians and try to do as many things in the summer as possible. Just looking for

Meet single man from United States. I WOULD SAY THAT I AM A HARD WORKING

Date a man from United States. The desire to eat right and have a healthy life style
I have a good sense of humor and I like to see other people laugh,I like having a good time and I enjoy watching others have a good time,I am grateful to wake up each morning,

Meet someone special from United States. I'm an Alpha male, the one your momma warned you about. If ever loved by this writer, you will be loved totally, for I will take all of your heart, or simply leave you alone, so if you desire to be truly loved, then love.