Date men from United States / Alaska / Seward, 60 year old

Date a soulmate from Alaska, United States. My name is Charlie, but am named after a famous clipper ship captian C.E.L., my great grandfathers father. I'm just a guy, living out the home stretch of my life, doing the best I can, and minding my own business. I own a general contracting business in Oregon, but my heart is in Alaska and plan to start building another home here in Seward, this summer. SallyBelle and I are staying with my best friend, Jim and his wife. Jim and I first came to Alaska in 1973, and he loves it here. Yesterday, we caught a boat load of halibut, and then picked up three friends who wereout hunting black bears successfully, and then gave them a boat-ride back to Seward.

Meet someone special from Alaska, United States. I am looking for a good looking,very sexual lady that is easy to get along with. I am a very active person,in excellent shape,a hard worker,sincere,compassionate and a faithful man. I love children and if my wife wants children I know I will be an excellent father. If I find the right woman I will do everything in my power to keep her happy. I am a very patient person and a lot of fun to be with. I know my soulmate is out there and I'm hoping that the internet will help me find her. Age is not important to me although I would prefer a younger woman. I own my own home and have 3 airplanes and love to fly around Alaska and see the sights. If you are interested, I hope you will contact me. If you aren't, I sincerely hope you find the man of your dreams and have a wonderful 2003. :-)I am looking for an attractive,sensual,passionate,kind,adventurous,phy
sically active lady who enjoys the out doors. It would be nice if she likes to play tennis and golf. The most important quality is that she is easy going. I am a lover, not a fighter :-) I plan on doing a lot more traveling in the future and I hope my wife would enjoy seeing the world with me. If she's a good cook that would be nice too! Hey I'll do the dishes ;-)