Date men from United States / Alaska / Palmer, 60 year old

Date a man from United States. I am a confident, educated man who is excited about exploring a new chapter in life with someone who shares similar goals & aspirations. Values & loyalty traits are musts. Outdoor women who appreciate being respected as a lady are #1... comfortable in a pair of well worn hiking boots, as well as that little black dress. In turn, I cook & enjoy conversation, sharing culture, the theatre, etc.., ...though, not big on shopping unless I must... then I shall only if you make it fun with me. I like to have my own space, yet want to hold hands & not hurry those things that sometimes admittedly men who do not pay attention - HURRY - when they require tenderness & appreciation for your needs & spirit.
Life is a journey & sharing is so much better than a solo. Best is best no matter what it is! I am interested in maturity & not self-centeredness... laughter is the spice... faith in wholesome spontaneity is a foundation. I will respectfully direct my masculinity to attend to your femininity.
I am seeking to open but protect my heart.
More to share as our lives unfold ...