Date single girl from California, United States. Well, for starters.. I love people. I can make friends with anyone. I give everyone a chance. I'm very outgoing, talkative and social. I am spontaneous. For example, about a week and a half ago, my friend and I just packed up, drove across the country and made LA our new home. Why? Just because we wanted to. I am very independent. I do what I want, when I want. I'm not all talk. If I want something to happen, I make it happen. When I go for something, I give it my all. Especially when it comes to relationships/friendships.
I am a huge nerd. Yeah, I play World of Warcraft, Skyrim, Call of Duty, etc. You don't find many girls into all that stuff. Most dudes play video games, and I'd be that girlfriend that would play with you. Wanna hang out and play video games? I'm your girl.
I'm obsessed with fashion. I want to go to school for fashion merchandising and am actually looking into it now that I've moved to California.
I love tattoos. It's no lie when people say they're addictive. I got three in the two weeks prior to moving here. I now have 8. I love them and I find tattoos on people attractive. I change my hair like I change clothes. I even went all blonde for a hot second. Dresses/skirts over jeans anyday.
I have a lot of energy and I need someone that can keep up with me. I, like most girls, need attention. No, I don't mean I'm needy. I just mean that if I'm your girl, I want to feel like your girl. I want to feel like I'm the only girl in the world to you. Is that too much to ask? I like cute dates, flowers, surprise gifts just because. I don't want to feel like I'm keeping you from friends when you're hanging out with me. I want to be friends with your friends.
I'm really picky. So, good luck. :)