Date women from United States / Arkansas / Maumelle, 39 year old

Date someone special from Maumelle, United States. I am a country girl at heart. I was raised in the country, but have been called a country diva because I am a classy country girl. I love spending time with my family. I am soo grateful for the things that my grandmother taught me. I am looking for someone honest, who can make me smile, who enjoys life and family, and who loves sports! I hope to find that special someone that makes me want rush the day just to get home to them. I hope to find someone that makes me smile when I think of them. Note:: Those without not wink or send message...not superficial....I am just like you.....I like to see who I am playing for. :) Also, those that are currently separated....need not apply....want someone who plays on an even playing can't play on two teams! LOL