Date women from United States / Arkansas / Maumelle, 64 year old

Date someone special from Maumelle, United States. I am a very passionate person in everything I do! My faith in God has given me the strength to be who I am...a woman, a Mom, a daughter, a sister, a cousin, an aunt, a boss, a friend...and a "Ya Ya" from Virginia.
I love to laugh and like being with others who love to laugh, and who have a good sense of humor! I love sports...playing and, tennis, golf, basketball, baseball!
Sitting in front of a fire or on the deck or beach...reading a good mystery... or watching TV or a movie..great on a cold rainy day or at night!
I am competitive, but am also a "peacemaker" ...always looking for a win-win...Tennis and jogging are my all time favorites. I do enjoy golf..just need to play more..
My greatest accomplishment? My daughter! What a loving, caring, beautiful,and smart young lady she has turned out to be!
Who am I looking to meet? Someone who shares the same values in God...someone who enjoys life and is respectful, self confident, generous, kind spoken......"someone" who loves sports...playing and watching...I have been known to tell the coach what play he should run or tell the referee what I think of his call...(no, not in least not loud enough for him to hear me..) Enthusiastic,,,yes!! TV. Couch potatoes are a turn off... Tennis, golf, swimming, jogging, skiing, bicycling, softball, volleyball, canoeing, snorkeling, horse back riding, crabbing, fishing, and hunting (I'll leave that one for you...) Would love to sail, but have never done that.
Would like this "someone" to be a good conversationalist (without being arrogant or condescending) and who enjoys "dining"...not eating just because it is "meal time" !! Love candlelight dinners, both out in a nice restaurant as well at home...Romantic???? This "Someone" I am looking for would also enjoy sitting in a bar on the beach ...newspapers covering the tables...picking crabs (Is that an east coast thing?) and talking with the "natives"....
Would like this "someone" to enjoy doing things with my friends as well as want me to be with him and his friends...although he needs to understand that "mother-daughter" time and "girl time' are both a must...