Date women from United States / Arkansas / Maumelle, 51 year old

Date someone special from Maumelle, United States. I wish you could see the world through my EYES!!! It's absolutely Beautiful!!! Have you ever met the LUCKIEST WOMAN in world and the most BLESSED? Well that's me! It's God, Family, Friends, neighbors and new faces. I'm a hard working good Christian woman that's versaltile and diverse. After working on my house for 3yrs, yes I'm quite the little Suzi Homemaker. I'M READY TO GO PLAY!!!! This is my FAVORITE SEASON!!! I NEED the mountains, trees, sun, stars, moon, wind and the water!!! We are so lucky to live in such a beautiful state and country. We have the biggest and prettiest playgrounds in the World. Who wants to go outside and play? It's good to go out on the town and socialize every once in awhile....but I always retreat to the beauty and serenity of the Mother Nature and the Outdoors. The BEST THINGS in LIFE are FREE!!! Aren't we here is to help each other make it? Music moves me and I am currently taking dance lessons. I enjoy Swing dancing but prefer Boot Scootin, and even known to dance around while cleaning house or walking. LOL!!! Anyone want to go tear up a dance floor with me? I am not the life of the party but I have the best time and it warms my heart to see everyone laugh and have a good time. Being an Independent Outdoorsy good Christian woman is rare these days, but I'm happy being me!
I'm searching for a good Christian Gentleman that's Outdoorsy, Personable, Socialable that likes to go have FUN! Are you man enough to dance with me in the moon light and dance floor or hold my hand and pray with me? If you don't ride, that's OK, I don't know how much longer I will continue to ride, but I do so ENJOY it!
Treat Everyone with Kindness and Respect no matter if it's the sanitation guy or your neighbor. Help someone SMILE today!
I wish everyone PEACE AND HAPPINESS!!!

Meet a soulmate from Maumelle, United States. My faith is very important to me, I'm looking for someone to worship with, pray with, and laugh with. I love to travel and go on mission trips. I like a man who is confident in himself. Tell me about yourself!
I'm looking for a man who is not into drama, who loves the outdoors and the city. I have a wide range of interests and I'm just as comfortable dressed up at a formal event as I am fishing on the Little Red. God's beauty is every where and I love to see it all! I love to laugh and kid around, but a serious conversation is equally as stimulating. I'm new to this area but not to Arkansas. I would love to have someone to hang out with and go to dinner, hiking or play golf.
If you want a easy going, drama free woman that is me. I have friends that have been by my side for 35 years, I'm very loyal, compassionate, and tender hearted. My friends tell me I'm funny, kind and generous.

Date a woman from Maumelle, United States. What do I want /need from my potential partner? I am looking for somone who is honest, faithful, intelligent, romantic, mature, kind, active, warm, secure, physically fit, and share the similiar interests with me. What can I offer to another person? I am smart, caring, easy-going, thoughtful, kind, sensitive, funny...etc. I like to learn new things, read, walk, listen to music, play the piano, go hiking, dancing, traveling, go to the movies, concerts, and museums. I enjoy the quiet time alone, and with good friends. I like to be nature a lot-in the woods, beach, and mountains. I am looking for that special person that we can help/support each other to grow and become two better person.

Meet someone special from Arkansas, United States. Wow! My perfect match..... must be a gentleman with a kind heart and touch who can get their point across with grace in a boardroom. Someone who is good under pressure and treats others with respect no matter the chosen profession. I would love to meet someone who is adventurous and intriguing with a great sense of humor. One who challenges me intellectually but is on my side. Someone who does not feel the need to compete (with me) as we all have our strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, a good match makes the weaknesses less apparent. One who is comfortable in their own skin and appreciates me, in mine. Of course they have to be a bit handy around the house as I am still learning. I also prefer keeping things kept neat so I can find them in the future. I like to do things right the first time as there is little time for a redo. I love children, animals, outdoors, my hair dryer (plagued by curly hair), a good book, good friends, good wine (NOT whining or DRAMA), good conversation, great hugs, holding hands (love this) ...and not saying a word. Sitting on either end of the sofa reading a book, sharing a joke even if it has been heard a hundred times before but is still funny..... I could go on but won't. Thanks for humoring me.... By the way, "winks" do not get a response from me because we are adults.

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. Who I am is a really nice woman who is okay with with what she has brought to the tables at home, work and in family/personal relationships. What makes me smile is my son and seeing 2 people in love. I like to do for children to make them smile and let them know how special and important they are. I have been career focused in government. I have one of the best jobs in America. I love to travel, I love God, I like books and love my family. Can chill with music. My closest friends think I can be too passionate and independent at times. They think I am pretty stern about my beliefs. They know that I am loyal and pretty goal orientated loving and like to have fun. I left some commas out in the previous sentence cause I'm texting on the iPhone. They know I like to have fun and think I have had a pretty easy life! I am most passionate about how honest people can be, don't like big lies! I love truth bearers.

Meet a woman from Arkansas, United States. I have a good life ... a wonderful family of origin, great kids, an excellent education, work I enjoy, a cute little house, some fabulous friends, and lots of opportunities for fun. I wouldn't say I'm lonely or bored, but I do miss having someone special to share special things with. I'm not anxious to get married, but I genuinely believe I was put on this planet to give love, and I hope to be found by a good man who will appreciate me and love me in return. I'm not interested in a long line of serial, shallow relationships that don't have potential to be special. Let's just take it one date at a time and see what happens.
The photos are recent: A couple were taken within the last few months. The rest were taken in the last 5-6 years, except for one.

Date someone special from United States. I adore friendship leading to serious relationship. My friends describes me as caring, lovable and always willing to help a friend. I am proud of being a mother, my career choice where I help others in the community. I am grateful for being able to wake up daily, my family, children, my Lord and Savior. I hope to attract a person who have some of the same attributes or wouldn't mine sharing his cares with a lady who loves to learn different things. My social life is average. I love meeting new people from different cultures. I laugh at funny jokes and when I am being tickled ( we will talk about that later on) I am looking for friendship, that will lead to a serious relationship. I am very passionate about hellping those to are in need of help. Spritually, friendship, encouragement, motivate.