Date women from United States / Arkansas / Pine Bluff, 39 year old

Date someone special from Pine Bluff, United States. I want someone who is nice and caring enjoy spending time together who is honest and faithful always have God in their life I need someone I can talk to about everything and always listens and I know i'm not always rite

Meet a woman from Pine Bluff, United States. I am a devoted mom, friend and Christian. I love to laugh. Love to cook. I'm working on starting my own catering busziness. I have no time for games, drama or lies. I am looking for a committed relationship.

Date a soulmate from Pine Bluff, United States. I am a busy working mother of three. My chidren always come first but I am also looking to find a partner to enjoy life with. I love to laugh and have fun and enjoy people who can find the humor in the small things as I do. My friends say there is never a dull moment with me! I do take many things very seriously and believe in setting goals and having priorities in life and working hard to achieve those. I work a full time job. Looking for someone who works hard to but also knows how to enjoy free time. Looking for a loving, peaceful, fun relationship!

Meet someone special from United States. I am looking for someone who woollen accept me as me. I. am tired of guys that want to play games or try to control me. I am looking for that special someone who wants to be treated like a king but does not mind helping out with the little things sometimes. I have.2 kids. I have a 20 year son and a 8 year old girl. I am very open minded and down to earth. I like to have fun. Look at my profile and lets see where it can take us.

Date a woman from United States. short not really talkative. Im unemployeed at the moment but looking. Currently working on my degree and trying to enjoy my new environment. Looking for someone to show me around socially as well as networking so I can fing empliyment...just wanna have fun.

Meet a soulmate from United States. My name is stephanie and i have three children and i am not married i been married before but have not got married no more
I do go to church and live for the lord i work as sub teacher and i love to have fun i also love to travel with my family and children and grandbaby

Date someone special from Arkansas, United States. I enjoy having fun. Im looking for a person to spoil me and don't mind being spoiled. I love going to dinner and traveling. Sometimes just sitting at home watching movies with that special person. I'm a happy positive person and don't need any negitive people around me.

Meet a woman from Arkansas, United States. my friend i have one best friend and she no me the best im well out kids make me smile and my grandson. my kids and grandson love me try to meet someone that dont cheat on me that care about me. my social life is real good now.i laugh at funny thing t.v people at work anything funny. what im looking for in relationship is somebody that dont cheat that love me for me.thing im passionate about is alot of thing.