Date women from United States / Arkansas / Maumelle, 58 year old

Date someone special from Maumelle, United States. The person whom I would spend time with would be honest and dependable....Have a good work ethic...They would enjoy many different aspects of life....Family, quiet times and more...dress for any occasion...Someone whom doesn't drink to much and that treats a woman with respect...I am not into the party life although an occasional wild night would be o.k. special occasions..I am very honest and don't have time for games... my relationship with my late husband was 20 yrs and I miss the companionship...don't have any desire to jump in and out of relationships.......Life is to short...I enjoy dinning in or out a good movie and much more...I am hoping to meet a man to spend the rest of my life with,however it needs to be for the right reasons with the right person and be mutual...Are you out there?