Date women from United States / Arkansas / Maumelle, 56 year old

Date someone special from Maumelle, United States. I am a New Zealander who has lived in the USA for 15 years, lived in San Diego, Colorado, San Antonio, Oklahoma City and Little Rock...
I love to spend time with friends and especially the outdoors. Travelling is a passion and always enjoy new places. Have always wanted to learn to ride a motorbike and to hang glide. Game to try anything once... As long as it is legal.. Enjoy cooking for friends. Also enjoy watching a good movie at home or going to the movies. Love to read and listen to most music, love the Blues and Motown
I am short, 5 feet tall, and wonderful

Meet a woman from Maumelle, United States. I am a balanced creative person who works in the food industry, looking for a guy who is a balanced creative person. I am passionate about traveling, food and the arts. I like the theatre, dancing, movies, writing screenplays, stage plays and poetry.

Date a soulmate from Maumelle, United States. I am divorced, I've worked and raised my children that I am very proud of. As far as a partner goes, Im looking for a nice man to spend time with. I don't want an over dramatic crazy or a stuffed shirt. I respect honest , hardworking men, with a romantic streak. Its never too late to have some fun!