Date women from United States / Arkansas / Maumelle, 66 year old

Date someone special from Maumelle, United States. Independent, happy person just testing the water to see if there is anyone out there who might be looking for someone, but not NEEDING someone. I sell real estate, play duplicate/tournament bridge, and enjoy evenings at home - cooking, exercising, or just hanging out. I managed a 60-lawyer firm for years, and enjoy the slower work pace of real estate now. I like interior decorating (for friends and self), fashion clothing, swimming (in my pool when weather permits), water-skiing, reading, dancing, and learning new things. I am very organized (to a fault) and prefer structure to spontaneity. I have been single for almost 18 years. I am a Christian, and non-smoker. I really don't care for house pets, so that might eliminate a number of guys. My potential partner must be very strong in his convictions - and honest above all else. :-)

Meet a soulmate from Maumelle, United States. Want someone who enjoys life to the fullest and dancing is a big plus.... I love to travel, which is my career, and the beach is peace to me. I also love to cruise. I enjoy dining out and sample wines. A great cookout with friends is always fun. And dancing is always a great time.