Date women from United States / Arkansas / Mabelvale, 39 year old

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. I am easy going, thoughtful and romantic. I like to have fun and laugh a lot. I hate drama!! Looking for someone who is funny but can be serious when required. They must like kids and animals. I have 3 wonderful daughters and they are my whole life. Would like to find someone who I can be friends with first and foremost. I am a very loving person and like to show the other person lots of attention and affection but want to be shown the same in return. I am not perfect and do not pretend to be, I am who I am and want someone who can accept that and love me for me. I tend to say what I am thinking before I realize it. I am not a neat freak and my house can get messy sometimes since I have a 3 year old everyday except every other weekend. I believe that spending quality time with my kids is more important than an immaculate house. I like to cook but not too good at it but get by because my kids aren't too picky.

Meet a woman from Arkansas, United States. I'm looking to find that partner and best friend that brings a smile to my face with just a phone call or a glance. I am a confident woman who is sometimes shy when it comes to meeting new people and learning to trust someone. Honesty is a big must for me in any relationship. Also, someone who can appreciate my sense of humor and enjoys laughing and living life. My son is a very large part of my heart and my life; and serious relationship would have to be with someone who understands and embraces that.
I work shift work and I'm often off during the weekdays so it is hard to find someone who has a hectic and crazy schedule like my own. I am not in to the "club scene" and don't like to drink heavily. I don't hesitate to share my opinion and want someone who can appreciate that and who is open with theirs as well. I am a very "no drama mama" and do not enjoy arguing and making life more stressful then it already is. Intelligent conversation, laughter, and compromise are a big must! Dallas Cowboys and Razorback fans are also a huge plus...WPS!!!!!