Date women from United States / Arkansas / Maumelle, 62 year old

Date a woman from United States. This gal is quiet but still water runs deep. Once I am moved, I can become quite open to being a bold and compassionate person to those I care about. Kindness, affection for others and sincerity move me. Lack of honestly and self control takes me away. Openness of expression and good communication and understanding are paramount. I love being at home but need to also revel in the life that is outside it. I am much of this and if you know yourself to be that too then who knows what can become of us.

Meet someone special from United States. I am very loving person looking for someone that will love me as the person I am . love stay at home and showing how grateful I am for that special personal in my live . looking for a long time relationship

Date a soulmate from United States. I have been a widow now for several years and am interested in meeting a mature man who is interested in some quiet time with dates to restaurants and movies, plays, the symphony, and drives through pretty Arkansas areas. My interest is to find a companion with a sense of humor
and who is unafraid to try new recipes--at home.

Meet a woman from Maumelle, United States. I am full of life and love and want to share that with someone who wants to do the same. I am a very young 59 and a hopeless romantic!! I enjoy movies, sporting events, the beach, mountains, lakes, The Rep., playing tennis, walking, riding my bike for pleasure or a great meal but it's the simple things that touch my heart and soul. Like watching the sun rise or set with that special someone, strolling hand and hand or dancing to our favorite song. I like to cook for someone that appreciates my efforts and enjoys a night at home just being together. I would like someone who can be socialable with friends but also can enjoy quiet nights on the porch or in front of the fire having good conversation or snuggle while watching a movie. I enjoy taking off for the day or weekend and just ending up somewhere unique whether it be in the mountains, on a beach or just goofing off around town doing whatever comes next. Everyday is a new adventure in life, let's enjoy it together.