Date women from United States / Arkansas / Fayetteville, 28 year old - page 2

Date someone special from Arkansas, United States. I like to hunt fish & dress up nice for a good evening. I enjoy sitting by the fire watching a movie. Hot summer days by the lake ready to fish or jump in and swim. I enjoy nice things as well. Most people see me in heels and dressed up having no idea that I like jeans and t-shirt. I'm fun and outgoing.

Meet a girl from Arkansas, United States. (Bare with me for a little bit because I dont have full account access jusf yet.)
I've been working a lot lately so I figured I'd give this a whirl. I've come to a point in my life where flying solo just dosen't have the same ring to it. All the success and money one could ever spend their life striving for doesnt really mean much in the end if theres no one you can enjoy sharing it with.
Upon first impressions I'm prone to come off as distant and aloof but those who know me will tell you I'm just gaurded.
Anyone who really knows me as a person will tell you that I'm not one to just rush into something. That I'm not nor have I ever been a party/wild and crazy girl. Ive always prefered the company of a trusted few. I was raised by parents who expected the best out of me and because I tend to be a people pleaser I hated to ever disappoint them or anyone that I really care about for that matter.
Loyalty is extremly important to me. If I believe I can trust you then I will give all that I am able to give. If its ever broken it can be extremly hard for me to give it back. Id much rather some1 break up with me before they cheated on me. Hurts like hell either way but living a lie makes it 10Xs worse.
The greatest influence on my life is my mother and so I'm a lot like her in that I'm very giving, nurturing, and soft hearted.
My dad gave me my sense of determination (Yeah I admitt I'm kind of hard headed.) and competitive edge. As a kid in school I never wanted to be out hussled in any sport I put my hands on.