Date women from United States / Arkansas / Jonesboro, 28 year old

Date someone special from Jonesboro, United States. Hello, I want to meet someone who, like me, is care free. There are four basic things about me: 1. I love God. 2. Take it easy, no one gets out of life alive. 3. I love myy car, my sister, and I brake for birds. 4. I want a hot guy.

Meet a girl from Jonesboro, United States. I am a 27 year old woman who loves the outdoors whether on the lake or camping. I do have a son whom I love dearly and keeps me on the go. I am always up for someone to challenge my mind and keep me on my toes whether its a game of cards or just testing my knowledge, I am a good sport as well.LOL. I love to laugh and will do anything to make sure you are happy as well. I am loyal and respectful. If I am who you are looking for then message me. :)

Date a soulmate from Jonesboro, United States. Thanks for visiting!
So, a little about me. I have pretty varied interests, but also enjoy learning about new things. My career is in medicine and I am very passionate about healthcare and the power it has in people's lives. My hobbies are not in healthcare. I teach, a lot. I am involved with the local community theatre where I teach classes to some very entertaining young artists. I am also blessed to be involved in many of the productions on stage. The greatest feeling is to know that you've made an entire audience laugh, so that is my general purpose when on stage. Otherwise, I am a volunteer for an organization that I am passionate about.
I am also very involved in my church. I teach there as well... elementary age and 3's and 4's. So, in general I really like kids. They're highly entertaining, especially if you just give them creative freedom. I have attended the same church most of my life, but the atmosphere has changed over the years so that I feel the church has grown up with me, which helps me stick around.
I love to laugh and make others laugh. I am very sarcastic and say very cheesy things... I am a walking punch line I refer to it as witty. Either way, it keeps life entertaining. I like sports and played them all my life, although I don't have as much time for tIme for them. I like to attend sports events, much better than watching them on television, you feel much more involved. I like professional baseball and college football, at least those are the ones I can have a conversation about. Outside of those, I'm completely open to sports-education opportunities.
My family is very important. I see my parents and grandparents a minimum of once a week and it is rarely planned. We're relatively spontaneous. My friends are also very involved in my life, I ask their opinions on nearly everything. I don't always agree with them, but I do respect their perspectives.
About my match... An education is an absolute necessity. I value my education and appreciate others who are like-minded. I like outgoing people who can fire back whitty comments and engage in a good argument. I respect people who are very knowledgeable and are able to share that with me... hence I love a great conversation with banter back and forth.
Well, there's pretty much my life in a nutshell, any other questions, please ask.

Meet single girl from Jonesboro, United States. I am looking for a great guy. Someone I can have a life with that's filled with love and consideration. I want a partner that i can be passionate about and him be passionate about me also. Someone that has family values and a good head on there shoulders.

Date someone special from Arkansas, United States. I like to have fun while not forgetting that there are some things that need to be taken serious. I am an RN. I really like helping people. I am very close to my sister and nephew. I have a dog that lives inside with me I like to hang out with friends but I also like just hanging out at home sometimes. I am looking for someone that can make me laugh and who I can have fun with.

Meet a girl from Arkansas, United States. I'm very certain of myself. I know what I am capable of, and I do not settle for anything less. I am very opinionated, sarcastic, witty and flirtatious. I am usually the center of attention, but not because I have to be, I just like to make people laugh and vice versa. I'm a huge goofball. I love verbal sparring. So, don't let the sweet smile fool you. I am a handful. I guess I get that from the red-head personality. I am absolutely NOT just another "typical girl". But you don't have to take my word for it. I am an extremely honest person and a very hard critic of myself. I am nowhere near perfect and do not claim to be, at all. In a guy, I am looking for a "citified" southern gentleman ( someone who likes to hunt, camp, ride four-wheelers, be outdoors, go to the lake/river, play sports, and just be active- one or more of the above, etc) but who's educated, ambitious, cleans up well and was raised right. You know the kinda guy who loves his country and his momma, Lol, not a dude from Deliverance (even though I do have a "purdy mouth", Haha!) A guy that isn't afraid of a challenge and meets it head on. Someone who knows when to be sweet and when to just be a guy. I have a weakness for big trucks, dirty white hats, camo, and those sweet, southern boy grins. In addition, I must make it clear that I AM NOT looking for a sugar daddy. So, sorry fellas. I want someone CLOSE to my age and HAS A JOB! I pay my own bills. All of them. So, if you're looking for a future trophy wife, keep lookin' I'm not the high-maintenance type. Thanks for reading this far though :) FYI- Two of my greatest pet peeves are incorrect spelling and when people chew ice... So avoid those if you don't want to strike out right off the bat. Anyway, I'm not gonna ramble, so if you're interested send me an email, if not thanks for looking at my page. Just ask me if you wanna know anything else.