Date women from United States / Arkansas / Benton, 28 year old

Date a girl from Benton, United States. I am a smidge skeptical of meeting people online but decided to see what it was about. I am very shy at first, but once I get to know people, they probably wish I would shut up. I love God, hanging out with my friends and family, anything with children, anything medical related, sweet tea, dining out, exploring new places, roller coasters, shopping, listening to music, and recently discovered my love as a stock car racing spectator. I am not much into the party or bar scene, but I do enjoy going out with friends. I am just as happy staying at home, and realize that it's not about what I'm doing, but who I am with.
I am very caring, loyal, giving, and independent. I am very involved with my family and this is important to me. I have an obsession with my two beautiful nieces, and if you were to walk into my home, you would think they lived here. I have a tendency to stack more on my plate than I sometimes should. I am a bit old school when it comes to morals and values and this doesn't always make me the coolest person, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
I have been single for a while and can make it on my own. I want a man to know he is wanted as an addition to my life and not someone I need in order to survive. I believe that you can tell the true measure of a person in the way they treat others that they don't need in their life. I value integrity, communication, and friendship. In addition to these qualities, my ideal man would bring out the best in me and have a servant's heart. He would adore me, be my biggest fan, and allow me to support him in everything, respect him, and give all my love to him. He would have a desire to start a family and a future and be willing to be a leader and example to the family.
If you want to know more, just ask!

Meet someone special from Benton, United States. I'm a single parent of a 8 yr old daughter. I'm newly divorsed. I work as a can mon threw fri. I enjoy my job very much. Still thinking about goin to nursing school. I spend a lot of time at home with my daughter. She is my reason for waking up everyday. I'm always up for new things I enjoy huntin fishin shoppin readin and many other things. Anything else just feel free to ask

Date a soulmate from Benton, United States. I would describe myself as fun-loving, caring, and motivated. I work very hard at my job but I have just as much fun as I can stand on my days off too. I am open to new experiences and love doing new things. I think it's very important to me to treat other people nicely and to try to think beyond yourself. I'm doing this just to try something new and hopefully meet some great people. (not creepers lol).

Meet single girl from Benton, United States. My friends started this for me to meet people. I am divorce and have a beautiful little girl who is 19 months old, she is my world!! I enjoy spending time with my family and friends and going out once in a while. I use to run and would like to start back again when I can find the time. I am just looking for friends and then whatever happens happens!

Date a girl from Arkansas, United States. I'm me,crazy,sweet, kind caring, love lidea and everything it head given me..I work GUI to school.and have two lit boys who are my world..I usually put myself last...I'm easy going and usually don't fight..its wasteful..I am willing to try anything once...

Meet someone special from Arkansas, United States. I am a spontaneous loving person. I will Be the one cracking jokes or doing something silly trying to make everyone have a good time! I enjoy helping others and my friends will tell you if they ever need anything I am the first person they call. I try to make the most of what little free time I have. I love being outdoors on the lake or on my family's farm. I am always on the go either with my hobbies or my kids. They are who inspire me the most. I'm just trying something new!

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. im funny smart fun to be around i like to party and cuddle. i like to watch movies read books and sometimes just lay around. i like 4 wheelers and fishing camping swimming and just being not looking for anything serious.