Date women from United States / Arizona / Scottsdale, 67 year old

Date someone special from Scottsdale, United States. Here it goes, I am the type of woman that likes to be in a committed relationship, but not with just any guy. I know what true love feels like and I've waited a long time to have that feeling again. I am very passionate and loving and would like to meet someone who is looking for a woman to love him and share his life with. I want someone who can laugh easilly and treats a woman with love and respect because that is how I would treat him. A man with good family values, who will accept my family as I would his. I have 3 grown sons and proud to say i'm a grandmother, how many? I'll tell you later:) I don't see my family all the time but we all live close by. I have a very loving family so when we do get together there is always a lot of laughter and fun, plus good food. I love to cook for my family and friends. I live a very simple life, I don't feel the need to keep up with the Joneses, although I do like nice things and work hard for what I want. I have been a hairstylist for many years and really love what I do.I like to keep a neat home, and also take care of myself by looking the best I can. I can be in jeans and a tee-shirt but love to dress up and look sexy .I enjoy going out to nice dinners or stay at home watching a good movie or listening to music,cuddling with my man .I am a very happy person who loves to laugh a lot and could never be mean to anyone.I treat people as I want to be treated. I am very affectionate and need to be with someone who is not afraid to show affection.
When I was married I used to travel but now it's not fun going alone, unless it's a little trip somewhere with the girls, so it would be nice to have someone to do that with even if it's just a drive to get out of town for the day.I'm very easy to please lol!. Also I don't want to change anyone or visa versa. I just want to be happy and make my man happy. I also love to dance, so if you can dance it would be a plus but not a dealbreaker. If you're out there and you feel that we have some things in common, send me an email who knows what could happen..... Thanks for checking out my profile I wish you the best in your search....:)

Meet a soulmate from Scottsdale, United States. I am a healthy, active and upbeat woman looking for a man who enjoys all that life has to, food, the beauty of nature and the comforts of home.
I want someone to drink coffee with in the morning and share a bottle of wine while watching the monsoons roll in.
I love people and I am tolerant of their differences and individuality. I want a man with that quality, as well.
I am neat, clean and organized in every aspect of my life (but not compulsive). I am energetic and productive and rarely put off until tomorrow what can be done today.
I hold my friends and family close to my heart, I have 3 sons and 7 grandchildren living all over the world and I work hard to stay in close contact. I love my daughters in law and feel blessed for all the love in my life. If you have family, I will welcome them with open arms.
I love to cook...from homemade pasta to strawberry shortcake...but I also love to try new restaurants. I especially like Italian, Chinese and Mexican but I can be more adventurous.
I love to travel. I've been all over the world but still have a long list of places I want to see, I relish the adventure of exploring new places.
I love to read, take long walks, knit for my grandchildren, tackle household projects and shop for clothes. I love pretty things and I keep a well appointed home and wardrobe,
I have a sense of humor and I'm reasonably bright, I'm blessed with good health and take no medications.
I"m looking for a strong man with a soft heart, I am honest and reliable and need the same from my friends. I have my own interests and don't need to be "joined at the hip" but would welcome someone to share some of my interests.
I prefer men my own age or slightly older.
So,,,,enough about me, If you're interested, I'd love to hear from you

Date a woman from Scottsdale, United States. I have been described as a lady with wisdom, sensativity, insight, intellect and grace. I enjoy warmth and kindess in others and am drawn to beautiful hearts. I love to laugh and surround myself with friends who know how to enjoy life. I am spontaneous and love learning. I love the Lord, family, friends, travel, beach cities, boating, fine dining, cooking, entertaining, a good wine, theatre, reading and movies. I look forward to meeting a special gentleman with whom to share some memorable times.

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. I am an intelligent, independent and charismatic woman who is looking for a man that has strong values and character. I love spending time with the people most important to me..... friends, family and my future love interest. I have a great sense of humor that I look forward to sharing with someone special who also loves to laugh.
I do many activities simply for the pure enjoyment of life. I'm not much of a camper. Enjoy indoor plumbing and showers...
Since I have two grown children, all out of the nest...I would like to share my time with someone who is confident and secure . I choose to be around positive acting, altruistic, and affectionate people. I desire someone who also values friendships and likes to entertain guests. Although I am independent, I am equally as passionate about spending meaningful time together one-on-one.
I so enjoy either watching or attending sporting events...... especially Pro/College football and basketball. I also enjoy spending time in Manhattan Beach, CA. I love the sand in my feet, the cafes', quaint shops, and sitting by the beach watching the sun drop into that large bay of water while sipping a great wine....
I am taking one day at a time, and ya know what...... each day I find its great to finally be retired and take a deep breath of fresh air... I highly recommend it...
"Be who you are and say what you feel because for those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind!" Dr. Seuss

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I am an outgoing, fun person, younger than my years in all ways. Like to walk, golf, workout, entertain, cook, party with friends and travel. I have a good sense of style in my dress and home, I was in the fashion business , now retired. I have the funds and energy to live the good life, looking for someone with similair likes and funds to share time with. I want a companion that is still passionate about life and love. I want to feel that good old tingle,chemistry,everyday. I want everyday to be at least a 4 star day and to enjoy it to the fullest. i am open in expressing my feelings and thoughts and want someone that can do the same. I am an educated, smart lady that can talk about most anything, including some that I probably should keep guite about.
I look exactly like my pictures, no glamour shots, weight the same. Hope you have lots of pictures that express your personality as well.

Meet a woman from Arizona, United States. I am a classy, intellectual, well-dressed (in jeans or more dressy)
lady. I am a multi-faceted woman from North Scottsdale. Was married and divorced, currently widowed. I enjoy cooking and entertaining, like good wine, fine cuisine, good entertainment, but also am very rugged and enjoy the simple, quiet life as well.
I am very devoted, a natural caregiver, talented gardner and landscaper, like almost all music and have an extensive collection of symphone classics as well as pop and light rock and country/western. I am an avid reader and have an extensive library. Have traveled all over the U.S., Europe, Mexico, Hawaii and Jamaica. Was married to a German International Chairman and CEO who retired to Scottsdale where we met. WE were collectors of Southwestern, Native American and Cowboy art, and I have a fine collection of art and antique Navajo rugs, as well as other items and paintings. In the interim have spent time in homes in Colorado and Wickenburg. Helped build our home in Colorado and clear land, as well as a home/ranch in Wickenburg. Have raised show horses (reining, working cowhorses, cutting, roping). I love to cook and have entertained couples and small groups. My perfect match is a fine, classy, but simple, self-assured gentleman who likes to travel, take car trips, eat out but also have quiet dinners at home, relax and watch sports or the news, have good conversation and is a good communicator--good communication skills are most important to me. He is kind and proud but humble, an accomplished gentleman who appreciates understated class and wants to work together to create a lovely,
healthy home. He is sociable and enjoys friends and entertaining, but not the fast-paced scene all of the time. He enjoys good shows occassionally and good music, and appreciates good cuisine, but enjoys preparing it at home as well as going out. He values a meaningful enduring relationship with depth rather than a fleeting, superficial encounter or short-term fling. He is well-dressed and likes class but is not ostentatious-likes nice things, art, cars, etc. but not into "toys". I enjoy going to the driving range-like to play golf but not good at it. I love all sports. In short, just a fine individual looking for an equally fine, long-term companion and lifetime relationship.

Date someone special from United States. I am a straight forward person that enjoys life to the fullest. I am a very considerate, caring, compassionate and attractive person with a great sense of humor. I am fun and an intelligent person. Can you handle all those adjectives?(smiles) I have a lot of friends that I enjoy being with and doing things for them. You could be one also. I lead a very busy life and have no trouble entertaining myself but would love to find a companion to share the pleasures of life. Golf takes up a good portion of my time. I am no way perfect but I am a good listener and a caring person.
I do like to travel and I have traveled to Egypt, Turkey, Europe, Africa, Hawaii, Barcelona to name a few. Cruise ships are a favorite also. They can be long or short trips. I like going out and also quiet evenings at home. You can't beat a good movie and popcorn.
I am looking for someone that will share my same feelings. I like someone with manners and thoughtfulness and cares about his appearance and game to try new things within reason.
Am I looking for you?

Meet a soulmate from United States. I am a kind, and gentle lady, looking for same. My interests include interior design, cooking, laughing and most fine arts, i.e. movies, music and plays. I love traveling and have been fortunated enough to visit many wonderful places. Some of my fondest memories are of boating in the Sea of Cortez. We had a sailboat and spent many years cruising in Mexico. I am looking for someone who I can laugh with. Life is to serious on a good day. I have gotten to a place in my life that if it isn't fun I don't want to do it. Well, I know there are things that are not fun that one has to do, but, you know what I mean. I am originally from the S.F. Bay Area and still spend time visiting my kids and many friends there. Chemistry is very important, I am alright alone, but, would like to spend quality time with someone that we both resonated with. The photos are all current.
The photo (fire place) was taken in March, (green sweater) Feb. (arm around bear) July.

Date a woman from United States. I am an upbeat person looking forward not backwards. I've learned my lessons and am ready for new ones. I am a country girl at heart who is very comfortable in the city. I enjoy calm and solitude with a little spice now and then.

. I am an energetic attractive woman looking for a man who will excite my feelings. Hopefully he will have a loving and passionate nature and the desire to be truly close to the woman who shares his life.

. Soft, dreamy and womanly. Also sentimental and will give all of my heart to the right person.
Looking for a true and ideal love and by all means, intelligent. One who will treat me with gracious consideration and gives enduring loyalty and devotion.

. Looking for a committed relationship, conscious, full of joy, caring for one another and others, enjoying nature, travel, physical and spiritual activities, finding a deep emotional connection, growing and enjoying life together. I work as a Nurse Specialist in Indian Health service, in OB.
I have 5 sons, one is married with 3 children, lives overseas, others live close by. I enjoy finding ways to communicate that bring depth and joy. I enjoy the sexual relationship very much, yet only will partake after a real level of commitment. Doing outdoor activities is very important to me, yet second to my interfaith work, which brings me joy and hope in helping to create a more peaceful world. I love making people laugh and enjoy others who can do the same for me!