Date women from United States / Arizona / Surprise, 67 year old

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I have a stong sense of loyalty and honesty. I am looking for someone who wants to be faithful in a longterm relationship. Perhaps someone I can consider to be my Soul Mate, and someone to "Grow older with"; Someone who has a good sense of humor, likes to laugh and have fun.

Meet a woman from Arizona, United States. Romantic, fun loving, affectionate, thoughtful, feminine and articulate.
Not looking for perfect but must be physically fit and active. A compassionate and humorous nature would be appreciated and love those killer smiles. I possess a positive, inquisitive nature and have no intention of growing old gracefully.
I have worked and supported myself all my adulthood; will continue to do so, believe in an equal partnership, paying my own way and would expect the same from a man. Own a home in Surprise which is rented and moved to SCW in June of 2011, in a rental as I am evaluating if I want to buy here.
I am grateful for my good health, my family and friends all of whom I cherish. Love to dine out or in and enjoy dancing. How special to hold someone close while dancing to incredible and intoxicating music. This time of year in AZ is the best as one can sit outside in the evening and watch the night sky while enjoying a glass of wine.
I am equally comfortable with a small group of friends or a larger group as I am outgoing, enjoy attending or giving parties. I do not want to be isolated with only my partner although I love some quiet time with just two. The natural beauty and diverse scenery of the US is to be appreciated. I have been to 40 of the 50 states and plan on seeing the last 10. I have a curious nature and love taking the side roads to see where they lead. The solitude of the outdoors recharges one's soul.
I am comfortable in my own skin, know what I want and who I am at this stage in life.
Family is important to me and all but my nephew live here. We have impromptu bbq's and dinners plus the holidays. Christmas is a special time and I love decorating including putting up the outside lights. Are you able to see the magic Christmas through a child's eyes?
My interests are many; travel, skiing, golf, boating, fishing (used to fish for salmon every summer in WA state, love the challenge of a King when he takes your line down 200 ft, fished in Alaska once), caught a sailfish in the Bay of Banderas and want to catch a Marlin, live performances, gardening, cruises, movies, music.
I am independent and pretty self sufficient but would enjoy having someone with whom to share activities, plans and dreams. I am grateful for the life I have had and the many blessings I have been given. We in the US live better than 90% of the world so we should be thankful as it was simply an accident of birth.
Laughter, good conversation, traveling somewhere new, a candlelit dinner, a moonlight stroll on the beach, skinny dipping, that wonderful sound of your skis on perfect fresh snow are gifts to be shared.
I respect other's opinions and believe one should live and let live unless there is abuse of any nature. Enjoy walking my dog daily as well as aerobic exercise.
I am down to earth and unpretentious. My hair color is natural thanks to my German father. I am half German and then English, Scottish and Irish. My bucket list includes a trip to Ireland, England and Scotland. I thought Australia was fabulous with very friendly people and beautiful scenery would like to return. The National Parks are a treasure and although I have seen many want to see more of them. So if this sounds fun and/or interesting to you send an e-mail