Date women from United States / Arizona / Phoenix, 49 year old - page 13

Date a woman from United States. I've lived in 8 different states and have been in Arizona for 23 years now, before here I lived in Oregon. I don't have a favorite because they all have something special to offer. I would love to move to a remote town with chickens, goats, cows, and a huge garden. I've always lived in a bigger city's and don't like the corporate aspect of them. I'm not at all into politics but do understand what's going on in the world, so much so that it's turned me off from participating in the process. Well, that may not altogether be true; let's just say I don't vote by filling in a box but instead vote like Rosa Parks did. Her vote counted!
I've been fortunate to make a good income and am attracted to a man who can take care of him self. I'm not interested in being any body's sugar momma nor am I interested in finding a sugar daddy. I am looking for that needle in the hay stack. I find it hard to express just who he is but I'll know when I do.
I'm happiest when I'm around people I admire and love. I do like the out doors, and anything to to with water. I recently bought a boat and enjoy taking it out. I also have an RV I have not had a chance to use it much but would like to in the near future.
I get board easy when it comes to TV so I very rarely watch it. I'd rather surf the web. I have lots of amazing friends who are very diverse but one thing they have in common is that they care about the sufferings of others.
I have six kids now adults and I enjoy being around them as well. Some (three) live out of state. If you have kids it's okay with me.
I am easy going, fun to be around and if you want to win lots of brownie points with me make me laugh. :)

Meet someone special from United States. I want to find the right kind of man to spend the rest of my life with. I am not a player. But I am cautious. I am loving and loyal. I think a relationship is 50/50. Making me laugh and laughing with me is tops in my book.

Date a soulmate from United States. I work in a school that is very low income and I give every bit of myself!! I am looking for someone that can spoil me and make me feel needed at the end of the day, and believe me you will feel needed and wanted in return and much more!!!!

Meet a woman from Phoenix, United States. i want a men that works good and someone that is attractive , and a loving person and he needs to be happy with relationship.a guy needs to like to travel and not stay at home alot.someone who like kidz and play with my daughter and cooks too not only me has to cook.

Date someone special from Phoenix, United States. Not ready 4 a "partner" if this is what u r lookin 4-would not b me. But, anyhow-I am very busy-who isn't right? Strive for no drama zone-so I am not a "game player". Honest, dependable and good listener. I can be serious but perfer humor. Greatful 4 everyday and love where my life is at this moment. Would like to find someone who wouldn't hesitate at a phone call in the early am to go for a sunrise hot air balloon ride. Or a midnight walk when the moon is full. Perfer someone that has a job, not living with parents and has the ability to fix things when they are broken. Love going to concerts, festivals, fairs and road-trips, exploring too! Not much of a TV you would have 2 b able to engage in conversation. Not that I want someone who talks all the time...especially about themselves. :) OK...that's all 4 now.

Meet a soulmate from Phoenix, United States. Hello, I am a kind, compassionate, sincere, creative (artist) human being who is seeking a similar match. Attracted to creative (writer/musical/artist/inventor), intelligent, entreprenurial, active men who enjoy life without drama. Not into drugs, excessive drinking, or psychotic behavior. Quite independent, who dislikes clingy/possessive affairs. I like space...true to my astrological roots of being an Aquarius/Pisces. Not looking for marriage, been there, done that. This is my first venture into an online dating website thought I'd give it a try.
Let's be friends! :)

Date a woman from Arizona, United States. I am no longer on this site but apparently my profile is still being shown. I think this appears to be a problem with all these sites. I cancelled my membership so if you email me I cannot respond without reinstating my membership. Good luck!

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. I am a down to earth, girl next door type. I have been divorced for a couple of years and have two children who live with me. They are 12 and 14. I am looking for someone who is interested in getting to know me in a possible long term relationship.

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. *I enjoy life and sharing that enjoyment with others, am a dependable and caring partner--very sincere in actions and words. *Four things my friends say about me are that I am outgoing, affectionate, loyal, and romantic. *I am most passionate about: developing my personal relationship with God, my family and my friends; improving myself mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually; and living/loving life. *Three of my BEST life-skills include making art and culture an ongoing part of my life; being a good friend and companion; and creating romance in a relationship. *I typically spend my leisure time enjoying live local music (folk, jazz, blues, classical), the symphony, opera, theater, Bible study, the dog park, wine tastings and micro-breweries, museums and art galleries, cultural events, poetry readings, out of town excursions (camping, fishing, Rocky Point), Tucson (checking on elderly family and friends), and volunteering with not for profit organizations.I am seeking a husband--a Christian, companion, and playmate for life. You must cherish, adore, love, and prioritize me in your life--second only to God because that is what you will get from me. You recognize and practice that...friendship/relationships are an equal blend of give and take. You should be comfortable with who and where you are in life, yet ambious to improve your status. You will be financially stable and/or willing to work together as a team/partners toward mutual success. You will both share my interests as well as have interests of you own (to share), and have a passion for/about what you believe. You will believe that learning is a lifelong process. You are a complement to my strengths/weaknesses (yin to my yang); a pet lover; enjoy adventure and like to travel WITH me. You will LOVE and appreciate spirited, adventurous women (me) and be very comfortable with your own masculinity. You MUST be affectionate and like to kiss and snuggle. You care enough about yourself to care for your own health and fitness. You are ready to move into a new realtionship (me); are law abiding with admirable morals and ethics.

. I really like where I am in my life right now. It seems that everything is falling into place, just need someone to share it all with now.
My boys - 12 and 20 - are the light of my life. They are with me most of the time, although my 20-year-old and I are both ready for him to move out. :) We enjoy being a family and spending time together.
I love to travel and have some time to do that, but would enjoy some company for that and more - someone to talk with at the end of a day; join for dinner (I love to try new types of food);see a movie;go to shows; concerts, games, any new adventures! I believe that you are friends first and then deeper relationships develop. No baggage, but Mr. Right needs to have a sense of integrity, no game playing, tell the truth and respect me as much as I'll respect you! My perfect match would be successful in his own right and have his own life, while letting me have mine, but still have enough time for me and us. Maybe just once in a while, treat me like a princess...
I love to cuddle up and watch a movie or TV, or get dressed up and go out on the town, all depends on the night and the mood. One of the best things ever - a good book, a great thunderstorm, caring arms around me and a long nap.
I can't imagine ever leaving the desert, but I grew up in the mountains of Colorado so they still hold a special place in my heart. But, then, there's the beach in Cali or better yet the Caribbean....mmm.

. I am wanting to find a companion to do things with. I am a fun person with a even funnier sense of humor. I am looking for tall, dark & handsome guy to first become friends with & see where it takes us.

. I love to you? Looking for someone who enjoys life and has a positive attitude. Life is to short and I do not want to waste time being around unhappy people. I have children who are the light of my life. I work hard when I am at work and I play hard when I am not. I am looking for someone to share new experiences with. I try to look at life as a adventure and would love to share that adventure with someone special. What catches my attention when I meet a man is that he has pride in his appearance and carries himself with confidence. I enjoy someone with a great sense of humor who can make me laugh. Someone who wants the most out of life and is willing to grab it. He must like children and dogs and like to spend time with family and friends. I want someone that likes to go out and try new things but, is just as content to stay home and enjoy time with the person he is with.