Date women from United States / Arizona / Scottsdale, 49 year old

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I just moved to Arizona from Austin Texas. I admit to being homesick- alot. I was recruited to work here and though I have no regrets about the job I am struggling to get aclimated to the area, not just the weather which can be trying but getting myself into the community. It's a job on its own.

Meet a woman from Arizona, United States. I would rather get to know someone person to person, even via computer medium, than to really try to explain "what I'm looking for." I'd rather be alone, than with someone that somehow isn't "right." This fact has no bearing on a person's value, but rather the right chemistry, interests, foundational beliefs and shared life passions. Not to say I would wish for a carbon copy of myself!
Important to me is "trust," and having a partner's security, confidence in himself and in me, to be comfortable in the understanding that each of us has our own autonomy, as does a healthy relationship. I believe this, in turn, allows for increased stability within the relationship, knowing it is our true "choice," to be together, rather than a mere evolvement of comfort, friendship, and situational-type "base-lines," sometimes unhealthy. Not only do I think this is the healthiest type of companionship, it also allows for the most exciting conversation, and the ability to learn from one another, with all "walls down," in a context of love and safety.
I am pragmatic under serious circumstances, but prefer "humor" (especially at my own cost!) as my healthiest vice. It keeps us, ironically, "sane!" Contributing to one's personal health, via nutrition, working-out, continual learning, involvement in world issues...are also important to me in a partner. I am an accepting person. I trust unless given reason not to trust. (Hard to earn that one back!) I have made my mistakes in life. The importance from those is what's learned. I am not perfect. "Off the beaten path..." say friends and family. So grateful this is so. :)

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. If you are inspired by life and appreciate the blessing of each unique moment, then perhaps by the end of this profile you will have come to the conclusion that this warm, genuine, and down-to-earth woman is worthy of that first e-mail exchange that may ultimately lead to something grand and wonderful.
Ambitious and driven in matters of professional endeavors, I have successfully learned to navigate the waters of the proverbial work-play equation, and when it is time to kick back, relax, and have fun, I can easily go with the flow.
Life is good, and I genuinely appreciate all of my good fortunes and blessings. I simply want to share in the abundance with one special man. After all, life just tastes better when shared.
As a loving and committed partner, I will be supportive, caring, and understanding of my man. I want to be his best friend, his confidante, his trusted advisor someone with whom he can share anything and everything without judgment. I trust that he will return the favor in kind.
What I admire in a man is one who thrives on the virtues of honesty, integrity, and character. His giving and compassionate nature is routinely evidenced through his thoughts, words, and actions towards others. He is never short on romance or passion, and his clever wit and infectious sense of humor never fail to make me laugh.
From a physical perspective, I tend to gravitate towards a guy with a bright smile, and eyes that tap into the root of his soul. At 5'8" tall, I do appreciate a taller man.
I am eager to meet you and discover the real attraction that naturally flows from the inside out. I am excited about the commonalities that will initially bind us, but I am equally enthusiastic about the differences you will bring to the table that will keep things interesting.
If a genuine, down-to-earth, fun loving girl who likes to smile and make the most of each day is of interest to you, a conversation is simply an email away.

Meet a soulmate from United States. I view myself as an independent soul that is physically, professionally, emotionally and financially at peace. I prefer small intimate time with others versus the clubs or other actiivities that are over-populated. (Only exception would be a attending a good sporting event!) While I've shared that I'm independent, I still prefer to share my life and my experiences with others.
During my time away from work I enjoy working out, reading, latin/ballroom dancing and of course insightful conversation with old friends and new. I have come to appreciate and embrace the enrichment these activities bring to my life.
I'm looking forward to finding new companionship in Arizona. Like many, I am seeking someone who's honest, insightful, fun-loving, has a sense of humor and is interested in building a lasting relationship. Beyond that, I am seeking someone who supports my independent spirit, but also wants to be a partner in a relationship- to be someone I can share my thoughts and dreams with and not fear judgement or dismissiveness.
I believe there are so many ways to explore new relationships to find out if I've made a special connection. It may be dining out; working out; attending an occassional sporting event or best yet, just talking over a glass of wine in the evening or a great cup of coffee in the morning. I like to try new things especially if they are physically or intellectually challenging. I am optomistic about the possibilities ahead!

Date a woman from United States. I am a jovial person who likes to take life for what it is. I believe we are on a difficult journey of life and we just have to enjoy all the pit stops as we may never know when our journey end. I am looking for someone who can make me smile in the most difficult times.

Meet someone special from United States. I haven't dated since pre-online dating, so this feels pretty weird! But I'm game to give it a try. I know some happy couples who met this way...
I am pretty busy and active. I have 4 fabulous kids who are the light of my life, but who aren't quite as interested in me anymore! My three girls are college age and my son is 15, so they usually have better things to do than hang out with mom.
I have been running my own business for the last ten years, and love the creativity and challenges that brings. It also gives me a lot of opportunities to travel, which I love. I have been blessed to spend a great deal of time in France, and I always enjoy going back.
I like to stay fit, but I am not obsessed with it. I love hot yoga and walking best, especially if it's on a beach. Exercise has to be fun to keep my attention, and the gym is not fun!
I like to do all kinds of things...variety is great. New restaurants, concerts, sports, I'm up for anything most of the time, but I also love quiet nights and never turn down a simple dinner and a movie at home.
Things I don't like: Las Vegas, club scenes, insincerity, deception of any kind, Thai food, scallops, self absorption, opportunism, the expectation that 49 should look 29.
What I'm looking for: Highest on my list are integrity, honesty, and a strong faith. My faith is central to my life. I am looking for someone who appreciates relationships as life's greatest gifts, never to be abused or taken for granted. Someone who embraces family. Someone who is humble in a healthy way but still strong and confident. Someone who has a great sense of humor and loves adventure in life. Someone who is looking for a relationship based on deep friendship and respect, that is authentic and real and lasting. And of course, romance.

Date a soulmate from Scottsdale, United States. OK, I always say I will try anything once, as no one can tell you what works best for you but giving this a try.
I am fortunate to to live what I feel is a great life, one that I embrace everyday and am extremely thankful for.
My closest friends would describe me as someone with a zest for life and people. I am outgoing, athletic, friendly and caring. I would have to say my passion is sports and being outside as well as spending time with friends and my family.
I have worked for the same company for over 20 years and it allows for alot of flexiblility and time off. I can be spontaneous and adventurous..... which I love....... so if you want to go somewhere I will most likely be ready before you are.
I am grateful for being raised and brought up in the midwest by parents that loved and supported me unconditionally.
I am a true midwestern girl that is a bit old fashioned and appreciates a true gentleman. A man that enjoys being an equal partner but also enjoys treating a women very well and making them feel special. Of course the respect would be mutual.
What am I looking for in a Relationship??
Tough to describe completely but will say that he must be genuine, honest, trustworthy and kind to others. Someone that cherishes time with his family and would like me to cherish them as well. A man that works hard and also has time to play.
Someone that is sincere, romantic, patient and down to earth. Really !! Someone that has his own friends and enjoys time with them and realizes to be a good partner is to support ones individuality and the things that bring them contentment and happiness.
Someone that likes sports, both doing and watching, likes being outside, likes being with friends and family, likes to get away, likes to cuddle and just hang out. A man that can listen and communicate ... or at least try.

Meet a woman from Scottsdale, United States. Family and friends describe me as determined, caring, loyal, giving, and kind. I m grateful for wonderful family and friends. I feel blessed in many ways from the people in my life to my health (I feel like I m 25!!). With age comes wisdom and the older I get the more I realize that people, relationships, and experiences - are far more important than things - period. My family and friends are #1 in my life. I have had the opportunity to travel to many places and have wonderful experiences. My favorite places are small quaint towns with mountains or the beach. I love to live a healthy lifestyle- and work out4- 5 days per week. I enjoy running, biking, yoga, working out, dancing, and hiking. I enjoy cooking and experimenting with different cuisine venues. I make God the center of my life. I have a heart for kids and people. I feel blessed and grateful and enjoy giving back as much as I can.My profile says I ll tell you later about kids..... I am starting the adoption process and will be completing it this summer - with a child (girl 12-16 yrs of age.) There are lots of kids out there that need a home - so it's a commitment I am making. I love to volunteer and find myself doing that often. . in my spare time I enjoy - walking the dogs, yoga or working out, hiking, volunteering, church, dancing and or dining with a glass of red wine - I love food and red wine!! Music is great - love Amy Grant, AC DC, U2, Casting Crowns, Creed, and wide variety. I love getaways and travel - who doesn't:)???
An ideal first date....
A fun intro date would be coffee, walking the greenbelt or a park, bowling , dancing, and hiking and or bike riding.
What I m looking for....
I m at a point in my life where I m looking for a partner who has the same belief system and enjoys the same activities. I ve been the single, footloose, fancy free, go after the bad boys (LOL- a part bad boy is fine but not full LOL). Chemistry is very important; however that comes with character. What is important to me: a man of his word, one that supports my goals (and vice versa) a man who has integrity, a man who loves his family, friends, and children - above his career and things, a good father - but also good to me, a sense of humor, humility and lives with purpose. A man that is imperfect but perfect to me.

Date someone special from Scottsdale, United States. Laughter and love are important to me. I enjoy good conversation, romance, sports and outdoor activities, a man who is relaxed and happy with himself and life in general, someone who is fit and enjoys participating in a variety of sports such as hiking, skiing, golf and swimming. Loyalty and honesty are the keystone to a happy relationship on love and friendships--my match will have the same values.

. I'm looking for a special someone to enjoy spending time with while dining, dancing, traveling, watching a movie or snuggling by the fire. A sense of humor and good personality along with a positive attitude are important to me to sustain a good relationship and also the ability to trust, listen and communicate effectively. I enjoy the outdoors - ex: relaxing by the pool, hiking, riding horses, being at the lake/ocean, or just walking and enjoying nature. My ideal man should know how to treat a lady with compliments and romance which is something I also enjoy giving back. Its important to be upfront and honest with each other - which allows you to earn that trust and respect for one another. Family is an important part of my life. I have three children - two grown and gone and a teenager still at home. I am a down-to-earth kind of girl who is a Midwestern farmer's daughter that just so happens to live in the city now. I am not the typical stereotype Scottsdale girl - I do like to dress up and look pretty, but I''m not afraid to get dirty once in a while. I love surprises as long as it makes me happy - and I enjoy doing it in return. I also love spur of the moment, spontaneous ideas. I believe spontaneity keeps the spark in a relationship. I exercise, stay in good shape and eat healthy and would like someone with the same outlook on this. PS. All my pictures are up to date. Also, I am interested in a relationship, so "players" don't reply!

. I have a natural twinkle in my eye and bounce in my step that can get me into some trouble, if I let it. I'm naturally happy and optimistic. I think before acting, but don't over-analyze and am not methodical. I love the small moments in life as much as the big ones, a simple wink as much as a grand gesture.
I don't have a checklist for finding my "perfect mate." I'm not seeking a "perfect mate," just one who gets me and vice versa, one who makes me happy and vice versa, and one who lets me see their flaws as much as I am willing to let them see mine.
I think you can love many different people, but that's different from what makes a great partner in life. When you love somebody so much that you're willing to work to be a better person, and that other person is willing to do the same for you, that's when you have magic in a bottle. And that's not easy to find.
PS: If you can't or won't attach a photo to your profile, I'd rather you not ask for communication, etc. C'mon to make any of this work we have to start with the minimum of disclosure :)

. I am a very loving, laid back, compassionate and highly principled person who enjoys the adventures life has to offer. I love and appreciate the beauty of the little things in live. I am not into drama nor am I carrying around baggage, which I also want in a mate. I am looking for my best friend and lover rolled up into one. I think you need both chemistry and shared live values to have a successful relationship. I enjoy gardening and making things with my hands. I love good conversation and food with friends and family. I love the water, I would live on a house boat in a minute. I am spontanious, playful and adventurous and when necessary serious. I love to laugh and joke as I have found live is just too serious to be serious all of the time. I would love to find a partner to go exploring all life has to offer.