Date women from United States / Arizona / Phoenix, 46 year old - page 12

Date someone special from Phoenix, United States. I'm 45 with no kids and even though I'm not really looking to get wrapped up in something serious, I'm always down to have a little fun! I like drinks, chess, pets, boots and teambuilding. What about you?

Meet a soulmate from Phoenix, United States. Hi there, I'm a 46 year old women who has been single long enough to know what I want, I have took a lot of time to get my career in order and learned how to be happy being single. I'm not a women who has to have a man just so i'm not alone and hope to find the same in a man. My friends and family are importaint to me.
I want to find a man who has no drama in his life I'm not into hearing about an x wife. That's not healthy in getting to know someone I try to live in the present and future. However I'm am into learning about a persons likes and dislikes. Also respect is a big pet pieve I love it when a man will open the door for me and ext. In return I will just as respectful.

Date a woman from Phoenix, United States. If you're still reading this you have to contact me. It's the law. If you're not still reading this ... hey, wait, of course you are or you wouldn't be reading this ...
So, that being said, clearly I"m looking for someone with a great sense of humor - no rap sheet (and some one who doesn't rap -- although he can WRAP if it's a gift for me that hopefully is slathered in chocolate), someone who's bright and who both realizes this paragraph is entirely mis-punctuated and doesn't care, someone who has a thesaurus and isn't afraid to use it, and someone who is willing to take the blame for everything (including global warming and forgetting to put that little tabby thing back on the loaf of bread - that simply incenses me!!!!)
I, by the way, am demanding - hostile - and flagrantly something or other. I can't think of a word to go with flagrantly .. perhaps you can find one in your thesaurus???
But seriously -- I'm looking for a playful passionate positive relationship! Bring it on!!!

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. I have been treated very badly in the past by men . I havent dated in 2 years. i think a relationship needs respect ,trust, faith and believing .in each other.thats what i would like no games . I want someone I can talk to, feel safe with. who resects my feelings and hopes

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I am looking for a meaningful relationship, a best friend to share my life with. I want to be able to share everything and know that life is short and it's about the journey so let's make sure it's a good one. To realize the importance of taking time out to smell the roses and that its about the people we meet, the friendships we build and who we surround ourselves by that enhances our lives. That we can contribute something to this world and leave it a better place. I place great importance on family and friends and make my relationship priority number one. I make sure to never take anything or anyone for granted. I love my job and make living healthy and working out very high on my priority list. I am very optimistic and look forward to continuing to make this a great life.
He is self-confident, generous, ambitious, intelligent, honest and loyal, trusting, committed to a relationship, goal oriented, funny, and a good communicator. He has a good heart. He has integrity and stands by his word. He has chosen a career that is fulfilling and does not create too much stress. He is open to having a family if the timing and circumstances are right.
Together we can create a life that exceeds all expectations...

Meet a woman from Arizona, United States. I am a good hearted person that treats people the way I like to be treated, i don't like head games or arguements. I am looking for a good hearted man that wants to enjoy life and have fun. Likes to fish, camping and hunting from time to time. He has to have a since of humor. Honesty is a most.

Date someone special from United States. life without pretending love without depending listen without defening speak without offending looking for that special someone who possess the best qualities love respect loyalty and who enjoys life to its fullest and will try anything not afraid to be wrong can be strong and yet not afraid to cry and yet has a wild side

Meet a soulmate from United States. I am a fun , friendly, adventurous , sort of serious mother looking for a really great friend to show me around and have a good time with, someone similar who has travelled, and knows what they are doing in life and love.

Date a woman from United States. i,m a great person .l will make yousmile every day cross my heart.i,ll be there for good and bad times.i,ll give you all the hugs and kisses you want.i,m a fun person.looking for the same from you.i,m looking for that good guys who will treat me like a queen.who will make me laugh and smile every day.never go to bed mad at each other.always talk thing out.i,m here with open arms baby.

. In a few short words... I am quiet, independent, laid back and grounded. My family is very important to me and who I spend a lot of my free time with. I am very much a homebody and am perfectly content with a night at home, a good movie and a bowl of popcorn. I also enjoy good food, classic cars (especially VW's), antiques, animals, being outdoors, and watching a good play. I am looking for a good friend. Someone to enjoy doing things with and, if he makes me laugh, even better.

. Fun and Friendly...
What you see is what you get. The smile tells all, lol. Always want to help and be a part of the solution. Have strong values, am comfortable with who I am. Hope to attract honest romantic who is grounded and knows what he wants and how to communicate that...

. Looks and Personality! I consider myself to be a great catch. I suppose I have not found my special someone, due to where I have been employed. What I am looking for is someone whom I am physically attracted with, that is not jealuous, insecure or too needy. A great sense of humor is also a must! I do not like confrontations. Just a lover... not a fighter!