Date women from United States / Arizona / Phoenix, 45 year old - page 5

Date someone special from Phoenix, United States. Hi! There my name is Cristina. I was born and raised in Phoenix, Az Let me tell you a little about myself. Honestly, I'm a very down to earth kind of woman. I like to try anything, I set my mind to doing. I like openiness and honesty, trustworthy and compassionate man.
I would like to find a man that is not afraid to speak his mind. Friendships builds relationships. Always be true to yourself. And, there always be a lasting friendship. Everyone who has walked into my life has made an impact on me. I wanna be that person that is my partner can come to me when he is sad or happy. I will listen when he's hurting. I will make him SMILE, when things go wrong I will be the shoulder he can lean on..
Life isn't always perfect. I would like to meet a man. Who's full of love, compassion, honesty, worthiness, and most of all trust. I want a man who know what he wants out of life(no Games). Life is too short, to not know what you want out of life.
I'm family oriented. I have 3 grown boys.
Attending college right now...So, I still have time for family & friends...And, A GREAT DATE......
Me & family will have a great time together watching a baseball game (Az Diamondbacks), watching football on T.V(DALLAS COWBOYS-ME) or Hockey (Phoenix Coyotes)... I HAVE A SAYING

Meet a soulmate from Phoenix, United States. I believe that life is a journey and I am ready for a new beginning. My friends describe me as fun loving, intelligent, quick witted and I have been told that I have a laugh that is infectious. I am looking for a long term relationship and am not interested in serial dating.
A man with integrity is very important to me. I want someone that likes to laugh have fun and enjoys family and friends. Someone who is honest, intelligent, can be serious when he needs to be but can also laugh at himself. Someone who believes the glass is half full.
I enjoy an evening out, the beach a nice glass of wine but I also enjoy an evening at home. Holding hands, long slow kisses. A man that can cook would be amazing as I can cook but don't enjoy it.
My children are grown now 20 and 25 so I am looking forward to focusing on my future as they are just beginning theirs. I have an amazing job that allows me to be flexible with my time so I am looking forward to some long weekends with the right person.

Date a woman from Phoenix, United States. ABOUT YOU:
If you are holding the pen to sign your divorce papers, wearing your wedding ring in your profile picture with your soon to be ex wife creatively blotted out or if you are standing in front of the prison gate in your civilian duds, next to your favorite guard with the lookout towner in the background, you are probably not a match for me.
I am a bubbly, funny, loyal, kind, ambitious, spiritual, healthy, adventurous, kind, outgoing young at heart woman. I love laughing and spending time with my children, family and friends. I am romantic and like a man to pursue me. I won't chase a man.
My life is complete yet I would love to share it with someone special. It is important to have individual time with friends as well as together.
Spirituality and God are the center of my universe. I am blessed and grateful to have two amazing children and great friends and family. My greatest accomplishments are my kids and career.
I am looking for a man who is spiritual, funny, kind, healthy, open minded, romantic, non judgmental, adventurous, loves the out doors and has a passion for life. Someone who knows what he wants in life, yet is willing to be flexable.
I love to entertain and meet friends out for dinner, movies, listening to music, comedy, art festivals and dancing. I also love a night in making dinner together, watching a movie and cuddling.
Email me so we can talk. I have tried long distance relationships, with no sucess. I hope you live in Arizona so it will be easy to see each other.
Choose the Debster. Without me you will be Debless and hopelessly Debastated!

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. I am a real woman who likes to enjoy life. I am looking for a real man for a serious relationship with a loveable, loyal, reliable teddy bear. Please read this part very carefully. No drama just a man and a woman enjoying, careing, loving and respecting each others company.

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. A god fearing man with the love of life and God a gentleman in everyway. the all the best skills of life to enjoy together. I like to be real and need a real man that takes life serious and wants all we can get out of life

Meet a woman from Arizona, United States. Im someone who works hard, but likes to have fun too. I m funny and want someone who has a sense of humor, has their act together and appreciates someone who is good to them! I like to workout, do active things and try new things too. I like to cook but also a nice dinner out is fun too! Loving dogs is a plus!

Date someone special from United States. How is it that EVERYONE is "fun loving and likes to live life to its fullest?!?!" Come on people...who DOESN'T like to have fun? And the only people who "live life to it's fullest" are nuts like Richard Branson who fly solo around the world in a balloon or in a lawn chair with a shotgun!
I'll say this, though...I believe in honesty, integrity and loyalty, all of which I continually strive to maintain. I believe that character is doing the right thing, even when no one is looking.
My friends say that I have never met a stranger and I am probably one of the few people who can, and have, had a 10 minute conversation with a wrong number or the 411 operator.
I love to cook and am told I do it well. Although I love to paint the town now and then, I also love to paint the house (as well as re-tile, re-decorate, and re-model)!
I am full of completely useless information, like how to make a bird yawn or that porcupines float. *Useful tip: Nair will NOT unclogg a drain. Hey, I thought it was brilliant at the time.
My favorite thing to do on a Sunday has got to be watching a NASCAR Cup race. I also love camping, riding pretty much anything that goes fast (off road, that is), the Dunes, skiing, fishing, (I can catch/clean/fillet/cook the hell out of a fish but I probably won't eat it.)
I love finding the most obscure, little-known, but fantastic places to eat or do a happy hour.
When I travel, I tend to venture off of the beaten path and get a 'real' taste of the culture. Would love to hitchhike across Europe sometime.
I am Italian/Danish and Polish and I was born and raised in Lake Tahoe. (yep, total ski bum)Grew up in a very political, very republican family. (Dad was Dist. Court Judge and D.A.-Uncle was US Senator-Mom worked for Reagan, etc...etc...)So I've got experience in campaigning, in case you run for office!
Attended CSUN, majored in Architecture, English minor, but never finished due to a spur-of-the-moment trip to Carnival in Rio de Janiero, during break. Ended up stayng in South America 3 years.
Who I am looking for? First of all he should be self-supportive and not have to borrow money from his parents and friends (or me). Have a good sense of humor and be amused by mine. He should be someone others like. One of my favorite sayings is ..."you can judge a person by the company he keeps"... Good people usually have good people that like them.
He would be nice to me and be respectful to others, as well. Chews with his mouth closed, opens the door for me most of the time, (especially when we're dressed up to go out) and offers his jacket when he sees me shivering. He would shed a tear or two during a sad movie but be able to open a tight jar for me. He would have confidence in himself and yet be up for just about anything, no matter how silly he looks doing it. (NOTHING is sexier than confidence and a sense of humor, in my book!) He should be driven and be able to keep up with me. I am confident, independent and have my life in order, so if you're intimidated by that and looking for someone to 'save', sorry, it probably wouldn't work. I don't want someone who needs me to NEED them. He should also be a good speller (at least know how to properly use a comma, a period and the 'shift' button!) and be able to pass the seal of approval from my 16 year old daughter.
Although I have my fair share of 'blonde moments', (I have no problem admitting that, up until last year, I thought "March Madness" was a big sale all of the car dealerships had every March) I have zero tolerance for ignorance and insecurity so I definitely require someone who has a brain and a backbone! (Strong opinions welcomed, but be prepared for mine, as well!) He doesn't need to cook, because I can. But he would crack open a bottle of wine and hang out with me in the kitchen once in a while and offer to help with the dishes.

Meet a soulmate from United States. I am looking for a man of worth, integrity, reliability, stability, and, who lives life to the fullest, and who is a family man and knows what he wants. I am honest, independent, fun, and stable, both emotionally and financially.

Date a woman from United States. Want some one to share love and laughter with.
Enjoy what life has to offer,a partner to spend precious time with,and be proud of..Good human being...looking for a man who will be there and can depend on ...

. I have an attraction to guys who are strong cognitively, who have ambtion and are passionate about what they do in life. I can appreciate a man's strengths & weaknesses, which we all have. A man who is humble, and shows genuine interests in others, and one who can admit when he's wrong, correct me when I am too, and be willing to apologize when you hurt one another in some way.
I am soft heartedness, fun to be with, and enjoy doing things at the spur of the moment. I love to cook and entertain with family and friends, which I value the most. I'm a real down-to-earth kinda girl. I'm pretty straight forward and I don't like games. I'm a hard worker and a good provider for my two girls. I am a very caring person, enjoy making people happy, and see their smile when I do, the feeling that warms your heart and leaves you overcome by a feeling of serenity.
I truly believe a strong relationship should be based upon more than convenience, and placing more emphasis on common values we can share and relate to. I've realized when you sacrafice the small things in life for a person you care about, is for what will be better in the end.
I am looking for a man who still opens doors for a lady. Someone who is loyal, kind, family-oriented. Is confident, yet still has a sensitive side, is funny, most importantly romantic.

. Always honest and requiring the same. It simply makes life sweeter in my opinion :) It's important to surround myself with people who are positive in thought and purpose. I am a true believer in what you put out into the world is what you receive in return.

. Eventually I want to find my best friend that I can talk to about any and everything. The person that I can be myself with every day. I have moods and whims like any other woman and I want someone that can accept them. In time perhaps even marry again.