Date women from United States / Arizona / Phoenix, 45 year old - page 8

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. there is nothing really much to say,i am a God fearing woman who would love to meet the right person to love and who will love me in return.i would really love to meet a man who is willing ti be there for me no matter the circumstances

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. My closest friends would describe me as "unique". I love to smile and laugh!
I am grateful for so many things!
I am looking for someone nice (of the opposite sex) to have fun with, spend time with.
I only want a relationship if it's the right person!!

Date a woman from Arizona, United States. I appreciate intelligent coversation and good laughs.Riding my motorcycle is one of my favorite things to do ~ it's important to me for my match to love to ride as well.No drama please ~ just fun times

Meet a soulmate from Phoenix, United States. Kind hearted, caring, funny people in general make me laugh-Like Adam Sandler, or a certain General mgr.... I worked for @ my previous job. I'm a proud mother of two wonderful children. I'm ever so greatful for the relationship I share with my children-family-pets,and friends. I hope to attract a non moody person funny caring loving and that certainly loves pets. I'm really a home body that would like travel and explore new places.
I'm passionate about fairness, peace, animals, senior citizens, children, food.

Date someone special from Phoenix, United States. I am looking for a friend or partner that shares same interests as me. I enjoy the outdoors, camping, boating, tennis, hiking and love the theatre and dining out. I am a very passionate person for things and people that are important to me.

Meet a woman from Phoenix, United States. What makes me smile are the little things in life. Kind gestures, children laughing and a great sunset!
My social life is pretty active. I love to meet people and have meaningful conversations. I love to be spontaneous. I enjoy being around family and good friends. I'm low key and not much into the bar scene however, I love to wine and dine in Central Phoenix. I love culture. I am a strong minded gal that is growing as a person every day. I am a bit of a perfectionist, can you say "Virgo". I love trying new adventures!!!!
I'm looking for a person who can laugh and will try almost anything. I like a person who does not always have to have a plan. You can usually tell what kind of a man is the way he is with his mom. Any guy who still opens doors or even hugs his mom in public is a keeper! A man well traveled and has great manners and likes adventures is the one for me. I believe there must be Chemistry when you meet a guy so that is a must!!!! He must be good inside and out and have a love for kids!!!!

Date a soulmate from United States. im a single 41yr,latina mom ... im a very hard worker and passionate person with a heart and sense of sincere at what i do and believe in...and most of all its all about 5'5 with dark brown hair and brown eyes... i have one dimple on my right cheek and very romantic....i like quite dinners and with family not perfect but i really think u will approve of me...

Meet someone special from United States. I live between Arizona and California and I would love to meet new friends, I am somewhat new to the Cave Creek area, I dont like to frequent bars, I go to the gym, feed store and home. So its a little difficult for me to get out there so I find myself once again looking here to see if anything happens. I have lived in Europe and in Mexico, and work all over the place, as much as I love coming home to the comforts of my home I love traveling and exploring new countries and cultures. I do my best to get to know the traditions and values of places before I visit to enjoy my trip that much more. I currently work in the film business and travel to California about once a month. I have been blessed with a good life, I count my blessings each and every day !
I am a midwestern girl with old fashioned values. I love the outdoors, am definetely a tomboy, love camping and shoot my own gun ! I love going out to old pubs, dancing, riding my motorcycle and hangin with my dogs. I enjoy being with good people, good conversation and positive attitudes. Dont be a couch potato and expect me to resond, you must appreciate yourself, your friends and family. Life is too short to be down so live each day to its fullest !!!!
Things that I enjoy most...sitting by a fire with my best friend with a nice glass of red wine. Hanging out with good friends, riding my motorcycle thru the desert or the mountains, playing in the lake with my dogs or watching the sunset. I love love love the water and being in it or on it, it doesn't matter.
I am not interested in serial dating, or being in a relationship where you have multiple girlfriends. I would rather be in a relationship with one person, I am not a player, dont use people and expect the same in return. Put it this way, if you recently cheated on someone whom you were dating please move on to the next profile. I respect people and expect the same in return. If you are insecure and need multiple women again....move on. I have way more than enough to offer someone, I am very unique, I am self sufficient, I have my own home and toys, I dont need yours but if you have them even better !
Love is a gift, not to be taken for granted. I'm willing to take a chance again.

Date a woman from United States. So many great things to do and so little time to do them! I have a variety of interests so I'm looking for someone to enjoy them with and maybe open my eyes to a few more. My favorite activities are hiking, biking and running. I also enjoy relaxing by the pool with a good book or magazine, having dinner out, wine-tasting, movies, comedy clubs and just spending time with good friends.
Now for the tough part - you! You are tough to describe because I haven't quite met you yet! You are active, charming, interesting, fun to be with and interested in seeing what we can explore together.
I'd like to meet a man who loves the outdoors and knows how to enjoy life like I do. Let's see what we have in common and what might be interesting to discover together.

. I'm looking for a scientist. A mad scientist.
I don't even know what to say after that. Look, I live an ordinary life, mostly. I tend to avoid housework and I have a horrible habit of starting projects I don't finish but overall, I'm a pretty sane, kind, mild-tempered sort of person who gravitates towards quirky, driven people who are well-read and do interesting things in their spare time.
I have a hard time making small talk and yet I talk to my dogs all the time. I think this is because when you make small talk with people, it's often about inconsequential events ("Did you see that movie? What do you think about this weather we're having?") but with dogs, the small talk is all about emotions and desires. My dogs are a bit needy because I tend to so willingly address their issues (snack, walk, scratch, thin out the oleander so we can chase the roof rats).
I only bring this up in the context of small talk. I've decided that the three most inescapably boring things people can talk about are: dreams, pets, and I forget the third thing.
And now back to my profile as originally written:
About me: I am content on my own. need private time, especially if I really like you and am inspired and energized by you. Then I'll actually feel like doing projects. I can be very cautious and reserved. I learned late in life how to make friends and they are very important to me. My family is a big part of my life. The dogs sleep on the bed. I'm clean but very untidy. Language, writing and reading are extremely important. Personal liberty and the right to privacy are important. Art is important. I am Jewish and I am atheist/agnostic. If you are a practicing Christian, there is very little hope for us as a couple.
And this is a very big "about me": at forty years old, I'm finally ready to listen to the advice my mother gave me in high school: "don't be so quick to be going steady with anybody. You need to be dating a little bit."
About you: You are very articulate. You enjoy talking about a wide variety of topics. You understand subtext in conversation. You have hobbies. You travel well. You're basically a kind person. You try to follow your bliss when possible. You like to read. You like to watch the TV sometimes (you have a favorite show). You're kind of smart (or really smart) but you're not bossy and you're not a know-it-all. Most people don't think you're a jerk and those who do don't matter. You have joy in your life. You like animals and I don't mean just big status dogs. You can laugh at yourself and mock others without bitterness and malice.

. I like a guy who regularly goes to the gym. He should be intelligent and able to hold a conversation about subjects outside of sports. I don't usually date younger guys but am willing to consider the possibility if they are mature and looking for more than just a physical relationship.
I need to match with someone on all levels and need someone who is educated and has a career...
About me... I seem conservative, but have any edgy side. I can be dressed conservative during the day for work and then change to go out at night and look very different. I love tattoos and have them myself. I am very secure emotionally and financially and am looking to find a mate to share my free time with. I think life is a little sweeter when you have that special someone to share it with.

. I am an independent woman who came to this country on my own and made my own way. I have worked hard to get a nice lifestyle and am now just relaxing and appreciating my life. I am looking for someone who is also independent but wants to share good experiences and have fun without drama. I want to meet someone who is generous and wants to splurge on trying new things and experiences with me.