Date men from United States / Alaska / Palmer, 34 year old

Date a soulmate from Alaska, United States. (about me)I have a six year old son he is the best thing to ever happen to me and i love him very much so u would have to like kids he would be with me but not as much as i would like!!I I like all kids it is so fun teaching them new thing in life about life and seeing them smile !!!! I always make the best out of anything in life . I like to help friends and people a long the way in what ever they my need if i friends would tell u that i am honest ,hardworking at anything I do,trust worthy,helpful,funny,happy person .I love music all kinds and cooking. I also like to garden . building was all ways fun to me it does not matter what it is! One more thing about me is that I will put my partner and family first because I think that's how every man should be!!!!(who I am looking for )some one that likes kids and that is happy ,honest ,trustworthy, also she would have to like the outdoors and trying new thing together and haveing fun every day with me make every day count . But from my feelings in side i would like to find a good preson to grow together as one so with that being said if u like this send me a email please do so thank u to all for takeing time to read this good luck and happy hunting!!!!ps please no head games!

Meet a man from Alaska, United States. Okay I'm typing this from my phone give me a little slack please, Big hands ....little buttons... :-) lol.
I'm a born and bred Alaskan boy and I tend to be more hot blooded than a lot of normal people and I literally melt when I'm exposed to heat too long! I love to travel with just a backpack and go to a country and do stuff on the fly,I just got back from hiking to Machu Pichu in Peru in November and I'm already dying to go somewhere else.....either Australia for a walkabout and the barrier reef or Ecuador for the galapagos islands and rafting the amazon.....choices eh? I want to visit every continent before I'm 40. Um, I'm recently new again to dating so this to me is more scary than any mountain pass or extreme sport. I'm completly faithful, and although I'm not religious in the sense.of attending church I hold a lot of their teachings in high regard.....Everything else just ask :-)

Date someone special from Alaska, United States. I never thought that I would be writing one of these and not really sure what to put here. I am the single father of 2 wonderful children who are my life. I am new to the area and do not know many people. I am trying to avoid the whole bar scene experience with the "I hope I meet the right one." So I am turning here. I asked friends to describe me and they had this to say. Honest, caring, loyal, not into games, a good father, understanding, a romantic at heart, and one of the nicest guys I have ever met.
I am looking for someone that #1 loves kids, my kids are everything to me and I have to put them first. I want someone to share my life with, not looking to change who I am and would not ask someone to change who they are. I want a friend, someone to sit and talk to about everything and anything. Must have a good sense of humor, be understanding, compassionate, and outgoing.
I love spending time outside, but have been known to lounge around inside. I have learned and fallen in love with cooking. I am very family oriented, and I would not be where I am today without my family. I would like to find someone who will complete me and hope that I complete them.

Meet single man from Alaska, United States. 33 m Blue eyes blonde hair, Enjoy movies, sports and games. I've very new to the Website and not sure if i find it working out or not. I've had some good emails and then i've also had no replies. Very new to Dating in this time and date, If anyone want to know more email me. I enjoy being outdoor as well as being in doors. Plan to take it slow and becomes friends first and see what happens from there. I will not rush into anything anymore. I know what i want in life and taken the steps to see it thru. Looking for anyone that wants to teach me to Snowboard.

Date a soulmate from United States. Just looking for friendship and good times. Someone to talk to and enjoy life with. I enjoy the outdoors, hiking barbecues, and spending time with friends and family. I also enjoy all kinds of movies. I'm pretty simple. Ready for whatever willing to try new things. See where it goes from there.

Meet a man from United States. I'm looking for someone who is open minded, fun and ready for anything. Please be open to kids cuz I hav some. Luv them to death and will always be the dad that puts them first , and then if it's worth it, consider the women in my life and whats best for her and me. Not looking for serious right now but I'm needing someone fun and enjoyable to be with. That's all for know......

Date someone special from United States. I am a laid back easy going person who is generally pretty happy and easily entertained... ;) I guess you have to have a serious side to be successful in life, but I try not to take my serious side too seriously! ;) I have been keeping far to busy lately and unfortunately that isn't going to change really soon... I absolutely feel like it is a necessity to make time for the people you care about and try my best not to get so caught up in day to day life that I forget to live. I guess I believe that life is about balance and am hoping to find someone to share it with whose balance point isn't too far from my own!

Meet single man from United States. I'm me, easiest way to find out is talk. If you're insecure, needy or thrive on drama then please look else where. I'm looking for someone that can just relax and be there, likes or may be interested in playing pc/console games and doesn't mind helping butcher a moose, bear or bou when I bring one home.