Date men from United States / Alaska / Palmer, 27 year old

Date a boy from Palmer, United States. Recently renewed my account here so I figured Id give some new info... I have competed and finished 7 half marathons and I plan on doing more. I enjoy working out, hanging out with my Friends and my Family.. Although my Family is kinda spread out for the time being. I still enjoy making trips to go see them when the time is right. I enjoy Hunting, Fishing, camping, 4 wheeling, hiking, going out, almost anything you can think of.. Im a big Hockey fan and yes lol i can scream at the TV when my team is playing like crap... I play hockey when I can.. I played it growing up and play it now in a mens league.
I'm still a kid at heart, playing and just being a dork. Lol. Althought I do know when to be an adult and get my priorities straight.
My family and I are very close. I'm the youngest to my older but yet shorter sister. I enjoy being with them and going to dinner or the movies with them. They mean alot to me and I would do anything for them cause they've been there for me thru thick and thin. Oh and we pick on eachother alot. Lol but all in good fun.
I have a 6 year old yellow lab, but yet a freakin dork. But he puts up with me ;-P. Yes he sleeps on the bed with me lol. I have 2 full sleeves of Tattoos and a back piece. All my tattoos have meaning to me in some way.
Well if I've failed to mention anything or you want to know something or even just chat shoot me a message.

Meet a guy from Palmer, United States. Pretty laid back. I like to relax and have a good time with family and friends. I'm a father of two of the most beautiful children. Born and raised in Alaska. Love the snow. I'm an honest guy who to be in good company.