Date men from United States / Alaska / Palmer, 57 year old

Date a soulmate from Alaska, United States. Hard working business owner single dad surveyor farmer hay homestead in talkeetna twin boys 11 daughter 12 looking for stable individual for a normal family life and no undo stress live and let live like Harley rides tractor rides atv adventures snow machining farm animals and pets 4 dogs 2 cats ect

Meet single man from Alaska, United States. Hard worker caring raising 3 kids on my own have a farm land surveyor own my own business have a homestead like harleys have a 1980 wide glide been in Alaska for 30 years twin boys 11 and a 12 year old daughter young at heart and still willing to learn

Date someone special from Alaska, United States. Looking for a pen pal for I am hardly ever home
work remote Alaska for acouple months at a time ,when I do get home I like to travel, or work in the shop or the yard. Enjoy the quiet of noisy forest that is full of life

Meet a man from Alaska, United States. I am a very caring and hardworking individual. Sometime I am told maybe to much time working and not enough time enjoying life. I look for the best in people and am always eager to lend a helping hand though I have been told I need to take more time for myself. No matter what I do I try to put 152% effort into it.
I have been raised in Alaska, have spent almost my whole life here except my almost thirteen years of military service and the time I stopped in Seattle, Washington area. Do not get me wrong it was a great time but I enjoy the peace and quiet of the outdoors without the other few million people. Maybe the rain also had something to do with it. Alaska is my home and I can’t see living anywhere else except maybe on a boat later on in life enjoying what Alaska has to offer and traveling where ever there is water.
I am man with old fashion values, loyalties and believe that in a relationship it is one man and one woman. I am not afraid to say that I am very romantic and loving. I will do things at the spur of the moment because it is something that I enjoy doing, opening the car door or the door to where we are going, flowers, cards whether it is for a specific reason or I want to show my feelings for that special person. I want the woman I am with to know that she is the one that matters to me then and always. She must know that she is number one in my life and that she comes first. I will work very hard to give her what she needs and wants whether it is material needs or deep loyal trust and love.
My profession for the past 28 years or so has been in the Custom Manufacturing of Furniture, cabinets and Custom Homes from design to building. It is something that I enjoy doing and will probably continue to do till day’s end. One thing being in the construction field is that it is hard to finish you own home while working on others day in and out. One day it will be finished.
I am looking for a woman that is honest, hard working, who is not deterred because of the unknown. Not afraid of being loved, cared for, being treated like a woman should be, and not feeling that she has to lose her independence in a relationship. She must enjoys having things done for her and does not wonder why I am doing it or what she has to do in return. She does enjoy the simple things in life and I know that she will stand side by side as my equal, my lover, my partner and not a follower. Enjoys getting dressed for the evening attending a night out on the town at a restaurant, a play or going to the opera. Sitting around and relaxing also a must, watching sports or a movie. She must enjoy doing things at the spur of the moment, having breakfast made and deliver in bed on the weekend. Loves doing things out outdoors, skiing, snowmobiling,( I know old fashion) fishing, hunting, hiking, biking, enjoys boating on the lake in the mountains or on the ocean especially out of Whittier in Prince William Sound, getting stranded on a beach for the day, working in a garden the yard, planting trees, flowers, working on the house, kid’s, animals and enjoy being spoiled just a bit.

Date a soulmate from Palmer, United States. the thing that makes me happy and smile is to see another person smiling and laughing because there life is full of joy.they are not hung up on the bad things in life.because a lot of it one person can not change they can look for the good things that happen around them and dwell on them.

Meet single man from Palmer, United States. 56 year old lifetime Alaskan seeks to make new friends and maybe tyrants,control freaks,anger problems etc. I would hope that my partner likes going for walks with dogs,videogames,the internet,watching mixed martial arts. I like to climb this little mountain near Palmer,going for drives in my car.I recently quit smokin pot after many years of doing it.It took a while but now I am glad I did.took a while for me to get out of a relationship that I was unhappy in but finally did.I tend to be shy but with the right person could potentially be very happy.consider myself to be fairly knowledgible.dislike anything controlling like for instance what I am writing now that demands a certain amount.maybe I dont have that much to say and this would expect me to go on and on and blah,blah,blah,blah,blah,blah,blah for a hell of a long time to finish this and might as well talk about the weather and other meaningless stuff like that and i would rather just talk to someone but no they demand that more blah,blah,blah,blah,blah,blah.its like i need to look at the person to figure out what i need to say instead of writing some king of fantasy story here and i hope i am getting close to the 200 words that they demand to finish this up and get on with it.this reminds me of 5th grade when for a punishment for a minor infraction you were given the choice of standing in the corner all day or taking a swat or writing a 1000 word theme.this seems to be a 3000 words theme that wants more and more and more and more and more and more of blah,blah,blah,blah.I just have a problem doing this to someone that i have never met yet.they may be someone I dont even like and what would I say to them/probably a lot more of bla,blah,blah,blah,blah,blah.i just have a problem with tyrants and control freaks.I would rather get to know someone face to face but this demands thati keep writing till i get to 200 words which should be close now.I am hoping this is close because i am just not comfortable talking about personal stuff with people i dont know.i think that there are a lot of people that can relate to me about this sort of stuff the end