Date men from United States / Alaska / Palmer, 69 year old

Date single man from Palmer, United States. I'm retired from a military career, both active duty and civil service. I taught school briefly and had other jobs. I keep busy with home projects, outdoor adventures, grand kids, and some community service. I'm a traditional guy who very much believes in God, family, and America. Many things interest me, maybe too many. I disconnected TV a year ago and never missed it. Nowhere have I felt more in tune with life than Alaska. I thank God for my health and that of my children and grandchildren. On the lighter side, I like a fun woman who shares at least some of my interests. She's probably already an Alaskan; wannabes need to see it first hand. It's not for everybody. I have alot of adventure left in me and hope to float the upper Yukon this summer.
I would like to share this life with a special soneone. Just about anything is fun with a woman you love.
My life partner will have at least some similar interests and value trust, commitment, and communication. While not smoothering, I value intimacy as well as some alone time. I'd like to have a companion as well as a lover and best friend, for the duration.