Date men from United States / Alaska / Bethel, 34 year old

Date single man from Alaska, United States. Been through quite a few changes in the past four years. To wit:
-I stopped being a medic and became an RN.
-I lived in two different countries.
-My ex-wife and I were separated by time and distance for almost two years before we decided that we needed to go our own ways. Distance can erode the most stable of relationships, and that's indeed what happened. Unfortunately, she found someone else to fill the hole in her heart that my absence had created. That probably changed my life the most. We'd been together for 15 years, so I'm still adapting to life on my own.
-My band released several albums.
-I've driven across the US five times in the past two years, which is fun but can get tiresome with only yourself for company.
As far as what I'm doing here? Honestly, I'm not sure. I'm planning another big move; this time to Alaska, so I suppose this is as much about meeting new people as it is about anything else.
At some point in the future, I want to move to the United Kingdom to live and work for a few years; maybe for longer. I love the splendor and beauty of Scotland, England, Ireland, and Wales and I would love to take time to explore it. As a nurse, I have the ability to work anywhere, so this does not present much of a problem. I would love to share the experience with someone special; it would make it all the sweeter. It may happen, it may not. One can only hope, I suppose.
Despite my divorce, I still have a desire to be a husband and father. I have an amazing family and my Dad and Mom are very close to my heart.
I'll probably write more later. I hope this provides an introduction to who I am.

Meet someone special from Alaska, United States. out goin n fun lovein person and love to be wit friends n family, mostly out explorin outdoors campin huntin n mostly ridein, and playin video games wit my bro or friends or watchin movies n just chillin n relaxin