Date men from United States / Alaska / Seward, 34 year old

Date single man from Seward, United States. Hello there and how are you today? I am ok my self!! Anyhow my name is Rocko! I am 33 and have been living in San Diego for about 12 years now and moved recenty.I am orignally from Chicago but moved here by way of Va Beach VA, Wash DC, NYC! I am looking to make some more friends here in SD and see where it goes from there! I am a Rocko oh many traits. I will be attending college ( Medical Proffesion)! I thought this would be a different and interesting way for meeting new people! If you would like to learn more about me just get back to me! Well look foreward to chatting! cheers
P.s. Please dont be plastic / fake and waste my time or yours. Not into childish games, we are all adults here. I expect the common
Curtesy of either im interested or im not interested . Thanks

Meet a man from Seward, United States. im not shure how to go about this my idea of a good date is to go out with someone that can express how thay really feel about what is going on at the present time because most people who go on dates dig there own hole because that cant handel what thay got them selved into beleave me ive bene there i deal with over 500 people a day so i have pretty good comunications u will see