Date single man from Tok, United States. I enjoy traveling to new and exciting places and usually have part of the winter off to enjoy doing so. Spring, summer and fall are my favorite times of year in Alaska. Alaska is a wonderland summer and winter when a person is equipped properly for the outdoors. I like snow machining, hunting, downhill skiing, hiking and broad variety of other outdoor activities, shows, events and special places. Dinners, entertaining, gourmet foods, with good music: and deep drafts of ice cold flowing spring water taken with your face immersed during a long pack trip are some of the best times. One better is meeting the other sensual drives so aroused by the activity and company. Romance and excitement is at the end of this paragraph, but not at the bottom of the list.
Operating a business here that is flexible enough to allow intense work (that I enjoy and strive to get better at) and do recreational activities is all one could ask for. Have some of the greatest people in the world that I get to work with that help me in seasonal business and recreation.
My preferred match would be someone who enjoys being with me and doing most of the activities we would like. Intelligence -- an academic with common sense, sensual and sensitive, instinctual and supportive are some of the most desired characteristics needed and hope to return. I think it is best that we have our own time to do things important to either of us and to be with our friends. Complimentary skills applied to our business interests or separate professions are equally attractive. Expect it will be the most enjoyable if we can capitalize on each others skills and interests in professional as well as with family responsibilities by sharing, trading and progressing.
Business and recreational travel would place us in formal and semi-formal functions during times of the year almost regardless of where home is. Being able to enjoy really nice places as well as the tents, camps and rustic cabins in the wilderness is a plus. The Wolves howling in three quadrants inviting all to look in awe at the frost art during a February full moon on the Yukon is a big natural high.
Am quite orderly, tend to business and am direct as you can tell from my writing. Use that to get to fun times, romantic places and activities, unique retreats, good meals, healthy food and those special times with family and friends on a daily, long term and special interest basis.
Goals-- off and on the grid, partner, teammate,
small family, efficient home, personal growth, arts, community and service, economically stable, passion, health and friends.