Date men from United States / Alaska / Palmer, 25 year old

Date single boy from Palmer, United States. About myself: I'm 24 years old 6'3" brown hair, blue eyes, I'm in good shape, I have a good job, a nice car and a place of my own. I think I'm at a good point in my life and I'm looking for someone to share it with. I enjoy the outdoors and things like hiking, camping and road trips I also like going out to eat, going to the movies and having a drink with friends and shooting pool. I'm open to a LTR but I'm also ok with just making new friends so if you want to know more please email me

Meet a guy from Palmer, United States. I am a outgoing person that loves to laugh but can be serious at the same time. Making other people laugh gives me satisfaction, and if you can make me laugh that is a huge bonus. However, I can and will be very mature when the situation calls for it (you can't be a goof all the time). I just made a career change and I really like my job but it is stressful and takes up alot of my time so I am searching other avenues toward finding that special someone. I dont have any real preference as to looks or body type, I am more worried about the mind inside.

Date a boy from Palmer, United States. Im gonna keep this a little brief as to spark up conversation later. Im a pretty laid back person and love to go out and have fun. Im definitely going somewhere with my life so I keep myself busy with work. I have goals and plans of where I want to be and how to get there.
What am I looking for in a relationship? Someone who doesn't need me basically lol. By this I mean a girl that can support herself without my help. Someone who will share/support my ideas and dreams, and I of course, would do the same. A girl that's down to go out and do something like vehicle mobbing/hunting and fishing going out to grab a bite to eat getting drinks and shaking he groove thang or is fine with just camping out in front of the tv and watching the food network or travel channel cause they are the sheezy. Also someone that doesn't have a problem with traveling because i plan on doing that as well.
As far as looks go, honestly i like girls to have a little meat on their bones but im not terribly picky. However not looking for any bigger girls. Nothing against you ladies just not my thing. Other than that good hygiene lol.
If you would like to know more about me feel free to ask.