Date men from United States / Alaska / Palmer, 43 year old

Date a man from Alaska, United States. One who love to take care of the people in his life for there are very few that are actually let in. I really love my animals as they are my children for they pretty much are . As for the rest I will let you ask.

Meet someone special from Alaska, United States. Who really knows anymore,anyways. 2012 and I'm online NOT-dating. If there's ever been a time when we need to get together to grow stronger and turn off the t.v. its right now. I'm really looking for a woman that actually wants to stay home, and keep a household, but... if there's any women out there that are looking for a man that actually wants to stay home and keep a household...I'm your man!
Oh,yeah! I'm also really stupid funny! Have a full time-part-time-job in between layoffs and our economic crisis. Gonna buy pigs and goats and chickens in the spring and am gonna attemp to be a farmer. Love anything that burns gas and goes fast. My dog is the smartest dog in alaska! and I just happen to be extra tuff!! Just like my boots!
Really just not that good at describing myself!

Date a soulmate from Alaska, United States. A friend was here, and has gone out on dates. I recently figured that I would start dating again. I know this will sound, rather unromantic, but I do not believe that there is only one person for any individual, but a type of person for that individual. It seems like a great movie idea, that there is one person that you are ment to be with, but how hopeless is that, always searching for that perfect person? When the someone that you could be 98% happy is right down the street. How long do you hold out for the last 2%? life is not a movie, there is no happly ever after, life happens, highs and lows, and what you do with it. I know that this opinion eliminates me from the romantic catagory, but it places me firmly in the practical catagory. Just read the question on the right.
Friends would describe me as practical, my sister would call me furgal.
A good joke makes me smile, a humous situation, or just "talking story" with friends.
I would like to meet someone who does not drink or smoke, both things I absoutly detest.
As far as a relationship is concerned, I guess I am looking for someone to grow old with. I recently took up snowboarding, what a blast. I picked up a dvd called piano for quiters, and it has inspired me to pick up a piano, take lessons and practice on it 4-5 times a week. I bought the lesson books but I seem to only play the simplified hymns

Meet single man from Alaska, United States. Single again. It sure has changed. Looking for someone to spend time with.
I am an easy going guy who is a little on the shy side with a great sense of humor. Laughter really can cure a lot of what ails you. I love spending time with my two sons and enjoy quiet evenings watching movies, TV or playing cards. I also enjoy getting outside including hiking, golf, walks and riding bikes. I am open to trying new things and grew up as a military kid so I have lived in a lot of places. I love traveling but find I don't have much time.
Hoping to find someone with similar interest to spend some time together and see what happens. I believe in honesty and being spontaneous although with kids it is a little more difficult.

Date a man from United States. Interested in finding a friend to spend time with. Share some travel experiences. Dinner moving and just quality time. I enjoy the outdoors and all the options that Alaska has to offer. I enjoy riding my motorcycle to new places.