Date men from United States / Alaska / Palmer, 58 year old

Date a soulmate from Alaska, United States. I love to laugh. I ejoy the outdoors Having adventures Good movies either at home or the theater I want to finish getting my pilots lisence.And I would like some one that could enjoy those things and more with me

Meet single man from Alaska, United States. Lived in Alaska most of my life. Worked all over the state, up and down the west coast, mining, construction, equipment operation, hazmat, you name it. Lots of years underground, but I'm no trogolodyte.
I have lots of lady friends, however I have no other half. Ultimately I am looking for long-term, meanwhile I"m up for almost anything.
My partner should be easy-going and adventurous. Relationships are about sparking and maintaining each other's interests. I have a lot to offer and hopefully you do too.
Pretty new to laptop technology era, definitely new to dating circle.
Hatcher Pass is my backyard, and I love it. Come on up and I'll show you around.

Date a man from Alaska, United States. I am a simple, conservative guy and enjoy traveling, especially to warm sunny beaches, and I enjoy my job. Family is important to me and my daughters and grandaughters bring me happiness.
I would like to find someone who enjoys their family and mine and likes to travel, fish boat, camp.