Date men from United States / Alaska / Douglas, 34 year old

Date single man from Douglas, United States. Cuddly, kind, laid-back, and potty-trained. This is how I'd describe my pug, but it describes me well too. As for other traits, my pug and I differ quite a bit. He's more in-doorsie where I'm more out-doorsie. I like hanging out on the beach, mountain biking, and occasionally exploring the jeep trails, and he's perfectly fine staying home and watching animal planet. Having said that though, I too like to sometimes just hang out in-doors, relax, and watch a movie or two.
Anyway, I'm new to Douglas and am eager to learn about the area. So if you're interested in getting out and about or just hanging out and watching a movie (or animal planet), please feel free to say "Hey!".

Meet someone special from Douglas, United States. i just want to b happy. dont u? life is beautiful and full of surprises.i always love to b happy.i love trees. i love to play drums. i love to go to concerts. i love to b around happy people all the time.